of diseases
de Groot
Consequences of cerebral white matter lesions.
A longitudinal population-based MRI study.
(Co)promotor(es): Jolles J, Hofman A, Breteler
MMB. Thesis EUR, 1999.
M.V. Joosse
Visual fields in strabismic suppression and
(Co)promotor(es): Jong PTVM de. Thesis EUR,
H.F. de Leeuw
Determinants of cerebral white matter lesions.
A longitudinal population-based MRI study.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Gijn J van, Breteler
MMB. Thesis EUR, 1999.
van Rossum
Socioeconomic inequalities in cardiovascular
disease in an ageing population.
(Co)promotor(es): Grobbee DE, Mackenbach JP,
Mheen H van de. Thesis EUR, 1999.
K. Klipstein - Grobusch
Pro- and antioxidants and risk of atherosclerosis
and coronary heart disease in the elderly.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Boeing
H, Witteman JCM. Thesis EUR, 1999.
A. Molarius
Determinants of relative weight and body fat
distribution in an international perspective.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Tuomilehto J, Seidell.
Thesis EUR, 1999.
I.C.D. Westendorp
Estrogen, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular
disease in women. Epidemiological studies on
menopause and hormone replacement therapy.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Witteman
JCM. Thesis EUR, 1999.
R.C.W. Wolfs
Changing views on open-angle glaucoma. The Rotterdam
(Co)promotor(es): Jong PTVM de, Hofman A. Thesis
EUR, 1999.
1st AUTHOR International scientific
SLM, de Leeuw FE, de Groot JC, Hofman A, Koudstaal
PJ, Breteler MMB. Cerebral vasomotor reactivity
and cerebral white matter lesions in the elderly.
Neurology 1999;52:578-83.
Bom JG van der, Bots ML, Haverkate F, Meijer
P, Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Kluft C. Fibrinolytic
activity in peripheral atheroclerosis in the
Thromb Haemost 1999;81:275-80.
Bots ML, Breteler MMB, van Kooten F, Haverkate
F, Meijer P, Koudstaal PJ, Grobbee DE, Kluft
C. Coagulation and fibrinolysis markers and
risk of dementia. The Dutch vascular factors
in dementia study. Haemostasis 1998;28:216-22
(Released June 1999).
Bots ML, Hoes AW, Hofman A, Witteman JCM, Grobbee
DE. Cross-sectionally assessed carotid intima-media
thickness relates to long-term risk of stroke,
coronary heart disease and death as estimated
by available risk functions. J Intern Med 1999;245:269-76.
Bots ML, Kooten F van, Breteler MMB, Slagboom
PE, Hofman A, Haverkate F, Meijer P, Koudstaal
PJ, Grobbee DE, Kluft C. Response to activated
protein C in subjects with and without dementia.
The Dutch vascular factors in dementia study.
Haemostasis 1998;28:209-15 (Released June 1999).
Bots ML, Launer LJ, Lindemans J, Hoes AW, Hofman
A, Witteman JCM, Koudstaal PJ, Grobbee DE. Homocysteine
and short-term risk of myocardial infarction
and stroke in the elderly. The Rotterdam Study.
Arch Intern Med 1999;159:38-44.
Breteler MMB, Bots ML, Ott A, Hofman A. Risk
factors for vascular disease and dementia. Haemostasis
1998;28:167-73 (Released June 1999).
Breteler MMB, Ott A, Hofman A. The new epidemic:
frequency of dementia in the Rotterdam Study.
Haemostasis 1998;28:117-123 (Released June 1999).
Bruyne MC de, Hoes AW, Kors JA, Hofman A, Bemmel
JH van, Grobbee DE. Prolonged QT interval predicts
cardiac and all-cause mortality in the elderly:
the Rotterdam Study.
Eur Heart J 1999;20:278-84.
MC de, Kors JA, Hoes AW, Klootwijk P, Dekker
JM, Hofman A, Bemmel JH van, Grobbee DE. Both
decreased and increased heart rate variability
on the standard 10-second electrocardiogram
predict cardiac mortality in the elderly: the
Rotterdam Study.
Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:1282-8.
Geleijnse JM, Launer LJ, Hofman A, Pols HAP,
Witteman JCM. Tea flavonoids may protect against
atherosclerosis. The Rotterdam Study. Arch Intern
Med 1999;159:2170-4.
Hak AE, Stehouwer CDA, Bots ML, Polderman KH,
Schalkwijk CG, Westendorp ICD, Hofman A, Witteman
JCM. Associations of C-reactive protein with
measures of obesity, insulin resistance, and
subclinical atherosclerosis in healthy, middle-aged
women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1999;19:1986-91.
Harhangi BS, Farrer MJ, Lincoln S, Bonifati
V, Meco G, de Michele G, Brice A, Dürr A, Martinez
M, Gasser Th, Bereznai B, Vaughan JR, Wood
Hardy J, Oostra BA, Breteler MMB, the French
Parkinson's Disease Genetics Study Group, the
Italian Parkinson Genetics Study Group and
European Consortium on Genetic Susceptibility
in Parkinson's Disease. The Ile93Met mutation
in the ubiquitin carboxy-terminal-hydrolase-L1
gene is not observed in European cases with
familial Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience
Hoogen PCW van den, Popele NM van, Feskens EJM,
Kuip DAM van der, Grobbee DE, Hofman A, Witteman
JCM. Blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction
in elderly men and women: the Rotterdam Study.
J Hypertens 1999;17:1373-8.
Houterman S, Verschuren WMM, Hofman A, Witteman
JCM. Serum cholesterol is a risk factor for
myocardial infarction in elderly men and women:
the Rotterdam Study.
J Intern Med 1999;246:25-33.
Kalmijn S, Curb JD, Rodriguez BL, Yano K, Abbott
RD. The association of body weight and anthropometry
with mortality in elderly men: The Honolulu
Heart Program.
Int J Obesity 1999;23:395-402.
Kalmijn S, Launer LJ, Lindemans J, Bots JL,
Hofman A, Breteler MMB. Total homocysteine and
cognitive decline in a community-based sample
of elderly subjects: the Rotterdam Study. Am
J Epidemiol 1999;150:283-9.
Kalmijn S, Oey PL, Wokke JHJ, Wieneke GH. Autonomic
function in patients with hereditary motor and
sensory neuropathy type I and Lambert-Eaton
myathenic syndrome. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol
Klaver CCW, Ott A, Hofman A, Assink JJM, Breteler
MMB, Jong PTVM de. Is age-related maculopathy
associated with Alzheimer's disease? The Rotterdam
Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:963-8.
Klipstein-Grobusch K, Geleijnse JM, Breeijen
JH den, Boeing H, Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Witteman
JCM. Dietary antioxidants and risk of myocardial
infaction in the elderly. The Rotterdam Study.
Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:261-6.
Klipstein-Grobusch K, Grobbee DE, Breeijen JH
den, Boeing H, Hofman A, Witteman JCM. Dietary
iron and risk of myocardial infarction in the
Rotterdam Study.
Am J Epidemiol 1999;149:421-8.
Klipstein-Grobusch K, Grobbee DE, Koster JF,
Lindemans J, Boeing H, Hofman A, Witteman JCM.
Serum caeruloplasmin as a coronary risk factor
in the elderly: the Rotterdam Study. Br J Nutr
Klipstein-Grobusch K, Koster JF, Grobbee DE,
Lindemans J, Boeing H, Hofman A, Witteman JCM.
Serum ferritin and risk of myocardial infarction
in the elderly.
Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:1231-6.
Launer LJ, Andersen K, Dewey ME, et al. Rates
and risk for Alzheimer's disease: EURODEM collaborative
analysis. Neurology 1999;52:78-84.
Leeuw FE de, Groot JC de, Oudkerk M, Witteman
JCM, Hofman A, Gijn J van, Breteler MMB. A follow-up
study of blood pressure and cerebral white matter
lesions. Ann Neurol 1999;46:827-33.
Mehta KM, Ott A, Kalmijn S, Slooter AJC, Duijn
CM van, Hofman A, Breteler MMB. Head trauma
and risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.
The Rotterdam Study. Neurology 1999;53:1959-62.
Mennen LI, Maat MPM de, Meijer G, Zock P, Grobbee
DE, Kok FJ, Kluft C, Schouten EG. Postprandial
response of activated factor VII in elderly
women depends on the R353Q polymorphism. Br
J Nutr 1999;70:435-8.
Mosterd A, D'Agostino RB, Silbershatz H, Sytkowski
PA, Kannel WB, Grobbee DE, Levy D. Trends in
the prevalence of hypertension, antihypertensive
therapy, and left ventricular hypertrophy from
1950 to 1989. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1221-7.
Mosterd A, Hoes AW, Bruijne MC, Deckers JW,
Linker DT, Hofman A, Grobbee DE. Prevalence
of heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction
in the general population. The Rotterdam Study.
Eur Heart J 1999;20:447-55.
Ott A, Stolk RP, Harskamp F van, Pols HAP, Hofman
A, Breteler MMB. Diabetes mellitus and the risk
of dementia. The Rotterdam Study. Neurology
Ott A, Rossum CTM van, Harskamp F van, Mheen
H van de, Hofman A, Breteler MMB. Education
and the incidence of dementia in a large population-based
study. The Rotterdam Study. Neurology 1999;52:663-6.
Peters HW, Westendorp ICD, Hak AE, Stehouwer
CD, Hofman A, Witteman JCM. Menopausal status
and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
J Intern Med 1999;246:521-8.
Pleumeekers HJCM, Gruijl A de, Hofman A, Beek
AJ van, Hoes AW. Prevalence of aortic aneurysm
in men with a history of inguinal hernia repair.
Br J Surg 1999;86:1155-8.
Pleumeekers HJCM, Hoes AW, Hofman A, Urk H van,
Does E van der, Grobbee DE. Selecting subjects
for ultrasonographic screening for aneurysms
of the abdominal aorta: four different strategies.
Int J Epidemiol 1999;28:682-6.
Ramrattan R, Wolfs RCW, Hofman A, De Jong PTVM.
Determinants of optic disk characteristics in
a general population: The Rotterdam Study. Ophthalmology
Rossum CTM van, Mheen H van de, Breteler MMB,
Grobbee DE, Mackenbach JP. Socioeconomic differences
in stroke among Dutch elderly women: the Rotterdam
Study. Stroke 1999;30:357-62.
Rossum CTM van, Mheen H van de, Witteman JCM,
Mackenbach JP, Grobbee DE. Socioeconomic status
and aortic atheroclerosis in Dutch elderly people:
the Rotterdam Study. Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:142-8.
Vokó Z, Bots ML, Hofman A, Koudstaal PJ, Witteman
JCM, Breteler MMB. J-shaped relation between
blood pressure and stroke in treated hypertensives.
Hypertension 1999;34:1181-5.
Westendorp ICD, Bots ML, Grobbee DE, Reneman
RS, Hoeks APG, Popele NM van, Hofman A, Witteman
JCM. Menopausal status and distensibility of
the common carotid artery. Arterioscler Thromb
Vasc Biol 1999;19:713-7.
Westendorp ICD, Veld BA in `t, Bots ML, Akkerhuis
JM, Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Witteman JCM. Hormone
replacement therapy and intima-media thickness
of the common carotid artery. The Rotterdam
Study. Stroke 1999;30:2562-7.
Witthaus E, Ott A, Barendregt JJ, Breteler MMB,
Bonneux L. Burden of mortality and morbidity
from dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord
Wolfs RCW, Ramrattan R, Hofman A, Jong PTVM
de. Cup-to-disc ratio: ophthalmoscopy versus
automated measurement in a general population:
the Rotterdam Study. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1597-1601.
scientific publications
MMB. Vaatziekten en de ziekte van Alzheimer,
is er een link?
Hart Bulletin 1999;30:144-49.
scientific publications
FM, Launer LJ, Breteler MMB, Hofman A. Ommoord
district residents: prevalence and treatment
of depression. Int Psychogeriatr 1999;11:385-97.
Bots ML, Breteler MMB. Risicofactoren. In: Limburg
M, Hijdra A, Cools HJM, eds. Cerebrovasculaire
aandoeningen. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, Houten/Diegem,
Breteler MMB, Ott A, Hofman A. Vascular disease
and vascular risk factors and dementia. In:
Mayeux R, Christen Y, eds. Epidemiology of Alzheimer's
disease: from gene to prevention. Heidelberg,
Germany, Springer-Verlag, 1999: page 79-86.
Bruyne MC de, Hoes AW, Grobbee DE. Prevalence
and prognosis of electrocardiographic findings
in the elderly. In: Chester E, ed. Clinical
cardiology in the elderly. Armonk, New York,
USA: Fitira Publ. Comp., 1999.
Kalmijn S, Launer LJ. Dietary intake and the
risk of dementia and cognitive decline in population-based
studies. In: Vellas B, Fitten LJ, eds. Research
and practice in Alzheimer's disease, Volume
2. Springer Publishing Company, 1999: page 140-145.
Launer LJ, Fratiglioni L, Andersen K, Breteler
MMB, Copeland RJM, Dartigues J-F, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage
J, Soininen H, Hofman A, eds. Regional differences
in the incidence of dementia in Europe: EURODEM
Collaborative Analyses. In: Iqbal K, Swaab DF,
Winblad B, Wisniewski HM, eds. Alzheimer's disease
and related disorders. Chicester, John Wiley
& Sons Ltd, 1999: page 9-15.
Uiterwaal CSPM, Grobbee DE. Family history,
development and mechanisms of hypertension.
In: McCarthy R, Blizard DA, Chevalier RL, eds.
Handbook of Hypertension. Development of the
hypertensive phenotype: basic and clinical studies.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
1999, pp. 639-62.
CO-AUTHOR International scientific publications
N, Ricard S, Bonifati V, de Michele G, Bouley
S, Vaughan JR, Gasser T, Marconi R, Broussolle
E, Brefel-Courbon C, Harhangi BS, Oostra BA,
Fabrizio E, Pradier L, Wood NW, Filla A, Meco
G, Denefle P, Agid Y, Brice A, Genetics Study
Group t FPD, on Genetic Susceptibility in Parkinson's
Disease t EC. A wide variety of mutations in
the parkin gene are responsible for autosomal
recessive parkinsonism in Europe. Hum Mol Genet
Andersen K, Launer LJ, Dewey ME, Letenneur L,
Ott A, Copeland JR, Dartigues JF, Kragh-Sorensen
P, Baldereschi M, Brayne C, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage
JM, Stijnen T, Hofman A.
Gender differences in the incidence of AD and
vascular dementia: The EURODEM Studies. EURODEM
Incidence Research Group. Neurology 1999;53:1992-7.
Baan CA, Stolk RP, Witteman, JCM, Grobbee DE,
Feskens EJM. Physical activity in elderly subjects
with impaired glucose tolerance and newly diagnosed
diabetes mellitus. Am J Epidemiol 1999;149:219-27.
Baan CA, Ruige JB, Stolk RP, Witteman JCM, Dekker
JM, Heine RJ, Feskens EJ. Performance of a predictive
model to identify undiagnosed diabetes in a
healthy case setting. Diabetes Care 1999;22:213-9.
Cheng KH, Leung SL, Hoekman HW, Beekhuis WH,
Mulder PG, Geerards AJ, Kijlstra A. Incidence
of contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis
and its related morbidity. Lancet 1999;354:181-5.
Elbaz A, Grigoletto F, Baldereschi M, Breteler
MMB, Manubens-Bertran JM, Lopez-Pousa S, Dartigues
JF, Alperovitch A, Tzourio C, Rocca WA. Familial
aggregation of Parkinson's disease: a population
based case-control study in Europe. EUROPARKINSON
Study Group. Neurology 1999;52:1876-82.
Gorin MB, Breitner JCS, Jong PTVM de, Hageman
GS, Klaver CCW, Kuehn M, Seddon JM. The genetics
of age-related macular degeneration. Mol Vis
Hansson L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Banki
CM, Breteler MMB, Carbonin PU, Castaigne A,
Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfelt D, Engedal K,
Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski V, Hofman A, James
OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, Leeuw PW de, Leys D,
Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson B, Zanchetti A. Study
on cognition and prognosis in the elderly (SCOPE).
Blood Press 1999;8:177-83.
Hunt SC, Geleijnse JM, Wu LL, Witteman JCM,
Williams RR, Grobbee DE. Enhanced blood pressure
response to mild sodium reduction in subjects
with the 235T variant of the angiotensinogen
gene. Am J Hypertens 1999;12:460-6.
Joosse MV, Simonsz HJ, van Minderhout EM, Mulder
PG, de Jong PTVM.Quantitative visual fields
under binocular viewing conditions in primary
and consecutive divergent strabismus. Graefe's
Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1999;237:535-45.
Kleijn MJJ de, Bots ML, Bak AAA, Westendorp
ICD, Planellas J, Coelingh Bennink HJT, Witteman
JCM, Grobbee DE. Hormone replacement therapy
in perimenopausal women and 2-year change of
carotid intima-media thickness. Maturitas 1999;32:195-204.
Klungel OH, Stricker BHCh, Paes AHP, Seidell
JC, Bakker A, Vokó Z, Breteler MMB, Boer A
de. Excess stroke among hypertensive men and
attributable to undertreatment of hypertension.
Stroke 1999;30:1312-8.
Kooten F van, Ciabattoni G, Koudstaal PJ, Grobbee
DE, Kluft C, Patrono C. Increased thromboxane
biosynthesis is associated with poststroke dementia.
Stroke 1999;30:1542-7.
Le Saux O, Urban Z, Goring HH, Csiszar K, Pope
FM, Richards A, Pasquali-Ronchetti I, Terry
S, Bercovitch L, Lebwohl MG, Breuning M, van
den Berg P, Kornet L, Ott J, Jong PTVM de,
AAB, Boyd CD. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum maps
to an 820-kb region of the p13.1 region of
chromosome 16. Genomics 1999;62:1-10
Mahaffey K, Harrington RA, Simoons ML, Granger
CB, Graffagnino C, Alberts MJ, Laskowitz
DT, Miller JM, Sloan MA, Berdan LG, MacAulay
CM, Lincoff AM, Deckers JW, Topol EJ,
Califf RM. Stroke in patients with acute coronary
syndromes. Incidence and outcomes in the platelet
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in unstable angina: receptor
suppression using integrilin therapy (PURSUIT)
trial. Circulation 1999;99:2371-7.
McClure MW, Berkowitz SD, Sparapani R, Tuttle
R, Kleiman NS, Berdan LG, Lincoff AM, Deckers
JW, Diaz R, Karsch KR, Greteler D, Kitt M, Simoons
M, Topol EJ, Califf RM, Harrington RA, for the
PURSUIT Investigators. Clinical significance
of thrombocytopenia during a non-st-elevation
acute coronary syndrome. The platelet glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa in unstable agina: receptor suppression
using integrilin therapy (PURSUIT) trail experience.
Circulation 1999;99:2892-900.
Prospective Studies Collaboration. Collaborative
overview (`meta-analysis') of prospective observational
studies of the associations of usual blood pressure
and usual cholesterol levels with common causes
of death: protocol for the second cycle of the
prospective studies collaboration. J Cardiovasc
Risk 1999;6:315-20.
Saz P, Launer LJ, Dia JL, De-la-Cimara C, Marcos
G, Lobo A. Mortality and mental disorders in
a Spanish elderly population. Int J Geriatr
Psychiatry 1999;14:1031-8.
Sijens PE, Oudkerk M, de Leeuw FE, de Groot
JC, Achten E, Heijboer R, Hofman A, Breteler
MMB. 1H Chemical shift imaging of
the human brain at age 60-90 years reveals metabolic
differences between women and men. Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine 1999;42:24-31.
Schurgers LJ, Geleijnse JM, Grobbee DE, Pols
HAP, Hofman A, Witteman JCM, Vermeer C. Nutritional
intake of vitamins K1 (phylloquinone)
and K2 (menaquinone) in The Netherlands.
J Nutr Environm Med 1999;9:115-22.
Simoons ML, Boersma E, Zwaan C van der, Deckers
JW. The challenge of acute coronary syndromes.
Lancet 1999;353:1-4.
Skoog I, Kalaria RN, Breteler MMB.Vascular factors
and Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 1999;13:S106-14.
Vijver LP van de, Weber C, Kardinaal AF, Grobbee
DE, Princen HM, Poppel G van. Plasma coenzyme
Q10 concentrations are not decreased in male
patients with coronary atherosclerosis. Free
Radic Res 1999;30:165-72.
Vijver LP van de, Kardinaal AF, Duyvenvoorde
W van, Kruijssen DACM, Grobbee DE, Poppel G
van, Princen HM. Oxidation of LDL and extent
of peripheral atherosclerosis. Free Radic Res
Visser M, Launer LJ, Deurenberg P, Deeg DJH.
Past and current smoking in relation to body
fat distribution in elderly men and women. J
Gerontol: Med Sci 1999;50:M293-8.
Willlekes C, Hoeks APG, Bots ML, Brands PJ,
Willigers JM, Reneman RS. Evaluation of off-line
automated intima-media thickness detection of
the common carotid artery based on M-line signal
processing. Ultrasound Med Biol 1999;25:57-64.
Yaffe K, Browner W, Cauley J, Launer LJ, Harris
T. Bone mineral density and cognitive decline
in postmenopausal women: an estrogen mediated
JAGS 1999;47:1176-82.
scientific publications
C, Andersen K, Breteler MMB, Copeland JRM,
Dartigues J-F, Di Carlo A, Fratiglioni L,
Lobo A, Schmidt
R, Soininen H, Hofman A, Launer LJ for the
EURODEM Research Group, eds. Prognosis with
Results from a European collaborative analysis
of population-based studies. In: Iqbal K,
DF, Winblad B, Wisniewski HM, eds. Alzheimer's
disease and related disorders. Chicester,
Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1999: page 39-44.
Tol J, Slooter AJC, van Duijn CM. Genetic Factors
in early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer's disease.
In: R Mayeux, Christen Y (eds); Epidemiology
of Alzheimer's disease: from gene to prevention.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York,
1999, 33-39.
epidemiologic research
Genetic epidemiology of osteoarthritis. Studies
of familial aggregation and candidate genes.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Duijn CM van, Slagboom
PE. Thesis EUR,1999.
De Laet CEDH
Osteoporosis and fracture prevention: costs
and effects modeled on the Rotterdam Study.
(Co)promotor(es): Pols HAP, Hofman A, Hout BA
van. Thesis EUR,1999.
1st AUTHOR International scientific
C, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Valkenburg HA, Meulenbelt
I, Hofman A, Breedveld FC, Pols HAP, Duijn CM
van, Slagboom PE. Heritabilities of radiological
osteoarthritis in peripheral joints and of disk
degeneration of the spine. Arthr Rheum 1999;42:1729-1735.
Bijkerk, C, Houwing-Duistermaat, JJ, Valkenburg,
HA, Meulenbelt, I, Hofman,
Burger H, Laet CEDH de, Weel AEAM, Hofman A,
Pols HAP. Added value of bone mineral density
in hip fracture risk scores. Bone 1999;25:369-374.
Duijn CM van, Cruts M, Theuns J, Gassen G van,
Backhovens H, Broeck M van den, Wehnert A, Serneels
S, Hofman A, Broeckhoven C van. Genetic association
of the presenilin-1 regulatory region with early-onset
Alzheimer's disease. Eur J Hum Genet 1999;7:806-807.
Duijn CM van. Hormone replacement therapy and
Alzheimer's disease. Maturitas 1999;31:201-205.
Harhangi BS, Oostra BA, Heutink P, Duijn CM
van, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
N-acetyltransferase-2 polymorphism in Parkinson's
Disease: the Rotterdam Study. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1999;67:518-20.
Laet CEDH de, Hout BA van, Burger H, Weel AEAM,
Hofman A, Pols HAP. Incremental cost of medical
care after hip fracture and first vertebral
fracture: the Rotterdam Study. Osteoporos Int
Laet CEDH de, Hout BA van, Burger H, Weel AEAM,
Hofman A, Pols HAP Multinational, placebo-controlled,
randomised trial of the effects of alendronate
on bone density and fracture risk in postmenopausual
women with low bone mass: results of the FOSIT
Study. Osteoporos Int 1999;9:461-468.
Rheeder P, Stolk RP, Mosterd A, Pols HAP, Hofman
A, Grobbee DE. Insulin resistance syndrome and
left ventricular mass in an elderly population
(The Rotterdam Study). Am J Cardiol 1999;84:233-236.
Roks G, Dermaut B, Heutink P, Julliams A, Backhovens
H, Broeck M van de, Serneels S, Hofman A, Broeckhoven
C van, Duijn CM van, Cruts M. Mutation screening
of the tau gene in patients with early-onset
Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Lett 1999;277:137-9.
Samren EB, van Duijn CM, Christiaens CGML, Hofman
A, Lindhout D. Anti-epileptic drug regimens
and major congenital abnormalities in the offspring.
Ann Neurol 1999; 46:739-746.
Slooter AJC, Bronzova J, Witteman JCM, Hofman
A, Broeckhoven C van, Duijn CM van. Estrogen
use and early-onset Alzheimer's disease: a population-based
study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:779-81.
Slooter AJC, Cruts M, Ott A, Bots ML, Witteman
JCM, Hofman A, Broeckhoven C van, Breteler MMB,
Duijn CM van. The effect of APOE on dementia
is not through atherosclerosis: the Rotterdam
Study. Neurology 1999;53:1593-5.
Slooter AJC, Houwing-Duistermaatt JJ, Harskamp
F van, Cruts M, Broeckhoven C van, Breteler
MMB, Hofman A, Stijnen T, Duijn CM van. Apolipoprotrein
E genotype and the progression of Alzheimer's
disease: the Rotterdam Study. J Neurol 1999;246:304-308.
Tol J, Roks G, Slooter AJC, van Duijn CM. Genetic
and environmental factors in Alzheimer's disease.
Rev Neurol 1999;155:10-16.
Weel AEAM, Uitterlinden AG, Westendorp ICD,
Burger H, Schuit SCE, Hofman A, Helmerhorst
TJM, Leeuwen JPTM van, Pols HAP. Estrogen receptor
polymorphism predicts the onset of natural and
surgical menopause. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
scientific publications
J, Slooter AJC, Duijn CM van. Genetic factors
in early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer's disease.
In: R Mayeux, Christen Y (eds); Epidemiology
of Alzheimer's disease: from gene to prevention.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York,
1999, 33-39.
A, Zerr I, Pocchiari M, Mitrova E, Pedro Cuesta
J de, Hegyi I, Collins S, Kretzschmar H, Duijn
CM van, Will RG. Codon 129 prion protein genotype
and sporadic CreutzfeldtJakob disease. Lancet
Beld A van den, Huhhtaniemi IT, Pettersson KS,
Pols HAP, Grobbee DE, Jong FH de, Lamberts SWJ.
Luteinizing hormone and different genetic variants
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JWW. Thesis EUR, 1999.
Wiegersma PA
Longterm effects of preventive activities of
youth healthcare for school children in the
(Co)promotor(es): Zielhuis GA, Hofman A. Thesis
Nijmegen 1999.
1st AUTHOR International scientific
JL, Graaf Y van der, Hunink MGM for the DIST
study group. Health-related quality of life
after angioplasty and stent placement in patients
with iliac artery occlusive disease: results
of a randomized controlled clinical trial. Circulation
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Coebergh JWW, Janssen-Heijnen MLG, Post PN,
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Coebergh JWW. Survival of cancer patients in
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scientific publications
JWW. Had brede oncologie gunstige resultaten?
Een bevestigend antwoord aan de hand van een
Europese vergelijking. In: Liber Amicorum Dr
WPM Breed. Peters WG (red.) Eindhoven: Catharinaziekenhuis,
1999, blz 118-22.
Coebergh JWW. Crommeloncologie: meer dan sociale
oncologie en kankerepidemiologie: de ontwikkeling
van 1978 tot heden. (verslag van een Crommeloncoloog)
In: Liber Amicorum M.A. Crommelin. Bruijnen
C, Coebergh J, van der Ham W, Ribot J, Vosveld
R (red.) Eindhoven: Catharina ziekenhuis, 1999,
pp 40-44.
Coebergh JWW. De staat van de Volksgezondheid
in 2015: beeldvorming versus harde cijfers.
Medisch Contact 1999;54:105-11.
Coebergh JWW. Zorg voor de volksgezondheid na
de vliegtuigramp in de Bijlmermeer; de beladen
nasleep. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999;143:2305-10.
Feenstra J, Veld BA in `t, Linden PD van de,
Grobbee DE, Stricker BH. Risicofactoren voor
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Feenstra J, Veld BA in `t, Stricker BHCh. Bijwerkingen
van cardiovasculaire geneesmiddelen in de huisartspraktijk:
anti-arrhythmica. Hart Bulletin 1999;30:46-50.
Giard RWM, Coebergh JWW. Steeds geavanceerder
detectie van lymfkliermetastasen: de problemen
van stadiummigratie. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999;143:1766-71.
Kuper-Hommel MJJ, Vrints LW, Coebergh JWW, Vreugdenhil
G. High grade primary malt-lymphoma of the breast:
a case-study. Neth J Med 1999;54:235-38.
Stijnen T, Arends LR. Dwalingen in de methodologie.
XVI. Wat te doen met ontbrekende waarnemingen?
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1999;143:1996-2000.
Stricker BHCh, Veld BA in `t, Feenstra J. De
noodzaak voor `postmarketing surveillance'.Ned
Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999;143:711-13.
Veld BA in `t, Feenstra J, Stricker BHCh. Bijwerkingen
van cardiovasculaire geneesmiddelen in de huisartspraktijk:
antihypertensiva. Hart Bulletin 1999;30:14-17.
Veld BA in `t. Is combinatie van een SSRI-antidepressivum
met een eetlustremmer verantwoord? Psychiatrie
Vademecum, november 1999.
FE, Boyle P, Carli P.M., Coebergh JWW, Ekbom
A, Levi F, McKinney PA, McWhirter W, Michaelis
J, Peris-Bonet R, Petridou E, Pompe-Kirn V,
Plesko I, Pukkela E, Rahu M, Stiller CA, Storm
H, Terracini B, Vatten L, Wray N. Population
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and age. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:347-52.
Brekelmans CT, Voogd AC, Botke G, Geel AN van,
Rodrigus P, Rutgers EJTh, Klijn JGM, Coebergh
JW for the Dutch Study Group on Local Recurrence
after Breast Conservation (BORST). Family history
of breast cancer and local recurrence after
breast conserving therapy. Eur J Cancer 1999;35:620-26.
Brezinka C, Laudy JAM, Ursem NTC, Hop WCJ, Wladimiroff
JW. Fetal pulmonary venous flow into the left
atrium relative to diastolic and systolic cardiac
time intervals. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 1999;13:191-195.
Briel JW, Stoker J, Rociu E, Lameris JS, Hop
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on endoanal magnetic resonance imaging adversely
affects continence after sphincteroplasty. Br
J Surg 1999; 86:1322-1327.
Brink J van den, Weijtens O, Feron EJ, Mulder
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for tractional retinal detachment. Graefe's
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Brouwer JT, Hansen BE, Niesters HG, Schalm SW.
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and in interferon-ribavirin combination therapy
for chronic hepatitis C: HCV RNA at 4 weeks
versus ALT. J Hepatol 1999 Feb;30:192-8.
Broek WW van den, Leentjens AF, Mulder PG, Kusuma
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Bruijn JA, Moleman P, Mulder PG, Broek WW van
den. Depressed in-patients respond differently
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Cartwright RA, Brincker H, Carli PM, Clayden
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Catsman-Berrevoets CE, Dongen HR van, Mulder
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Cobbaert C, Mulder PG, Baadenhuijsen H, Zwang
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Cobben NA, Drent M, Jacobs JA, Schmitz MP, Mulder
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Hazelzet JA, Stubenitsky R, Petrov AB, Wieringen
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Heisterkamp J, Bommel J van, Hop WCJ, Tilanus
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Holm AF, Godthelp T, Fokkens WJ, M Severijnen
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Janssens HM, Devadason SG, Hop WCJ, LeSouef
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scientific publications
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operatiekamers. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999;143:1780-4.
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Kroon BBR, Bergman W, Coebergh JWW, Ruiter DJ.
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Leer EM van, Coebergh JWW, Leeuwen FE van.
Trends in kankerincidentie en sterfte door
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voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskd 1999;7:218-23.
scientific publications
pp 73-523. (chapter 4)
M, and the Eurocare Study Group. Overview of
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patients diagnosed in 1985-1989, pp 525-41 (chapter
5). In: Berrino F, Capocaccia R, Esteve J, Gatta
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A, (eds.). Survival of Cancer patients in Europe:
the Eurocare II study. Lyon: IARC Scientific
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Snijder S, Coebergh JWW, Otter R, Visser O,
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Visser O, Schouten LJ, Dijck JAAM van, Coebergh
JWW. Urological tumours in the Netherlands,
1989-1996. Utrecht: Netherlands Cancer Registry,
1999. (ISBN-90-72175-25-5).