Genetic epidemiologic studies on age-related
maculopathy. A population-based approach.
(Co)promotor(es): Jong PTVM de, Hofman A. Erasmus
University, 2000.
Heart Failure in the elderly.
(Co)promotor(es): Hoes AW, Grobbee DE. Erasmus
University, 2000.
Age-related maculopathy: A genetic and epidemiological
(Co)promotor(es): Jong PTVM de, Hofman A. Erasmus
University, 2000.
Genetic Susceptibility to Parkinson's Disease.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Oostra BA, Breteler
MMB. Erasmus University, 2000.
Etiology and prevention of stroke. The Rotterdam
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Koudstaal PJ, Breteler
MMB. Erasmus University, 2000.
van Popele
Causes and consequences of Arterial Stiffness.
An epidemiological approach.
(Co)promotor(es): Grobbee DE, Hofman A, Witteman
JCM. Erasmus University, 2000.
Adverse cardiovascular effects of drugs in patients
with heart failure. Pharmaco-epidemiological
studies on ibopamine and NSAIDs.
(Co)promotor(es): Grobbee DE, Stricker BHCh.
Erasmus University, 2000.
in `t Veld
Pharmacological prevention of dementia. A pharmacoepidemiological
approach in The Rotterdam study. (Co)promotor(es):
Hofman A, Stricker BHCh. Erasmus University,
Vascular factors in dementia. Observations
in the Rotterdam study. (Co)promotor(es): Hofman
A, Meché FGA van der, Breteler MMB, Swieten
JC van. Erasmus University, 2000.
of diseases
1st AUTHOR International scientific
JJ, Backer E de, Brink JB ten, Kohno T, Jong
PTVM de, Bergen AA, Meire F. Sorsby fundus dystrophy
without a mutation in the TIMP-3 gene. Br J
Ophthalmol 2000;84:679-80.
SLM, Leeuw FE de, Koudstaal PJ, Hofman A, Breteler
MMB. Cerebral CO2 reactivity, cholesterol,
and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in
the elderly. Neurology 2000;54:987-9.
MMB. Vascular Involvement in Cognitive Decline
and Dementia. Epidemiologic Evidence from the
Rotterdam Study and the Rotterdam Scan Study.
Ann NY Acad Sci 2000;903:457-65.
H, Grobbee DE, Drücke T. Osteoporosis and salt
intake. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2000;10:46-53.
JC de, Leeuw FE de, Oudkerk M, Gijn J van, Hofman
A, Jolles J, Breteler MMB. Cerebral White Matter
Lesions and Cognitive Function: The Rotterdam
Scan Study. Ann Neurol 2000;47:145-51.
JC de, Leeuw FE de, Oudkerk M, Hofman A, Jolles
J, Breteler MMB. Cerebral White Matter Lesions
and Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Adults. Arch
Gen Psychiat 2000;57:1071-6.
AE, Polderman KH, Westendorp ICD, Jakobs C,
Hofman A, Witteman JCM, Stehouwer CD. Increased
plasma homocysteine after menopause. Atherosclerosis
BS, Rijk MC de, Duijn CM van, Broeckhoven C
van, Hofman A, Breteler MMB. APOE and
the risk of PD with or without dementia in a
population-based study. Neurology 2000;54:1272-6.
K, Launer LJ, Geleijnse JM, Boeing H, Hofman
A, Witteman JCM. Serum carotenoids and atherosclerosis.
The Rotterdam Study. Atherosclerosis 2000;148:49-56.
LJ, Oudkerk M, Nilsson L-G, Alperovitch A, Berger
K, Breteler MMB, Fuhrer R, Giampaoli S, Nissinen
A, Pajak A, Sans S, Schmidt R, Hofman A. CASCADE:
A European Collaborative Study on Vascular Determinants
of Brain Lesions. Neuroepidemiology 2000;19:113-20.
FE de, Groot JC de, Bots ML, Witteman JCM, Oudkerk
M, Hofman A, Gijn J van, Breteler MMB. Carotid
atherosclerosis and cerebral white matter lesions
in a population based magnetic resonance imaging
study. J Neurol 2000;247:291-6.
FE de, Groot JC de, Oudkerk M, Kors JA, Hofman
A, Gijn J van, Breteler MMB. Atrial fibrillation
and the risk of cerebral white matter lesions.
Neurology 2000;54:1795-1800.
FE de, Groot JC de, Oudkerk M, Witteman JCM,
Hofman A, Gijn J van, Breteler MMB. Aortic Atherosclerosis
at Middle Age Predicts Cerebral White Matter
Lesions in the Elderly. Stroke 2000;31:425-9.
WT, Grobbee DE, Hunink MG, Hofman A, Hoes AW.
Determinants of Peripheral Arterial Disease
in the Elderly. The Rotterdam Study. Arch Intern
Med 2000;160:2934-8.
NM van, Bos WJW, Beer NAM de, Kuip DAM van der,
Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Witteman JCM. Arterial
Stiffness as Underlying Mechanism of Disagreement
Between an Oscillometric Blood Pressure Monitor
and a Sphygmomanometer. Hypertension 2000;36:
NM van, Westendorp ICD, Bots ML, Reneman RS,
Hoeks APG, Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Witteman JCM.
Variables of the insulin resistance syndrome
are associated with reduced arterial distensibility
in healthy non-diabetic middle-aged women. Diabetologia
MC de, Launer LJ, Berger K, Breteler MMB, Dartigues
J-F, Baldereschi M, Fratiglioni L, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage
J, Trenkwalder C, Hofman A, for the Neurologic
Diseases in the Elderly Research Group. Prevalence
of Parkinson's disease in Europe: A collaborative
study of population-based cohorts. Neurology
CTM van, Mheen H van de, Witteman JCM, Grobbee
DE, Mackenbach JP. Education and nutrient intake
in Dutch elderly people. Eur J Clin Nutr 2000;54:159-65.
CTM van, Mheen H van de, Witteman JCM, Hofman
A, Mackenbach JP, Grobbee DE. Prevalence, Treatment,
and Control of Hypertension by Sociodemographic
Factors Among the Dutch Elderly. Hypertension
CTM van, Shipley MJ, Mheen H van de, Grobbee
DE, Marmot MG. Employment grade differences
in cause specific mortality. A 25 year follow
up of civil servants from the first Whitehall
study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2000;54:178-84.
AJC, Ruitenberg A, Duijn CM van, Breteler MMB.
Re: The effect of apoE on dementia is not through
atherosclerosis: The Rotterdam Study. Neurology
PH, Hoes AW, Bak AA, Does E van der, Grobbee
DE. Higher Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms
in Middle-Aged Men With Low Serum Cholesterol
Levels. Psychosom Med 2000;62:205-11.
Vokó Z, Breteler MMB. J-shaped
relation between blood pressure and stroke.
Hypertension 2000;35:E16-7.
ICD, Kleijn MJ de, Bots ML, Bak AAA, Planellas
J, Coelingh Bennink HJ, Hofman A, Grobbee DE,
Witteman JCM. The effect of hormone replacement
therapy on arterial distensibility and compliance
in perimenopausal women: a 2-year randomised
trial. Atherosclerosis 2000;152:149-57.
ICD, Veld BA in `t, Grobbee DE, Pols HAP, Meijer
WT, Hofman A, Witteman JCM. Hormone Replacement
Therapy and Peripheral Arterial Disease; The
Rotterdam Study. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2498-502.
RCW, Borger PH, Ramrattan RS, Klaver CCW, Hulsman
CAA, Hofman A, Vingerling JR, Hitchings RA,
Jong PTVM de. Changing views on open-angle glaucoma:
definitions and prevalences. The Rotterdam Study.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2000;41:3309-21.
scientific publications
BS, Breteler MMB. De genetische aspecten van
de ziekte van Parkinson. Ned Tijdschr Neurol
OH, Stricker BHCh, Breteler MMB, Seidell JC,
Boer A de. Onderbehandeling van hypertensie
en het risico op beroerte bij de oudste ouderen.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr 2000;31:119-22.
scientific publications
MMB. Vascular risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.
An epidemiologic perspective. In: Verbeek MM,
de Waal RMW, Vinters HV. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
in Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
2000: page 43-58.
JM, Grobbee DE. Calcium intake and blood pressure:
an update. J Cardiovasc Risk 2000;7:23-9.
DE. Hypertension in women: Findings from research
in The Netherlands. In: A. Pines, S. Schmidt,
A. Zanchetti, eds. The therapeutic challenge
in postmenopausal hypertension. Berlin; New
York: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co., 2000,
page 19-23.
AE. Subklinische Hypothyreose als unabhängiger
Risikofaktor für Atherosklerose und Myokardinfarkt
bei älteren Frauen. Medizin 2000 plus 2000;3:10-8.
FE de, Groot JC de, Breteler MMB. White matter
changes: frequency and risk factors. In: Pantoni
L, Inzitari D, Wallin A, eds. The matter of
white matter. Academic Pharmaceutical Productions
BV, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000: page 19-33.
A, Hoes AW. Epidemiology of heart failure: What
does the future hold? In: McMurray JJV, Cleland
JGF, red. Heart failure in clinical practice
(2nd ed), Martin Dunitz Publishers, 2000, page
A, Hoes AW, Grobbee DE. The heart failure paradox:
Decreasing cardiovascular mortality, increasing
cardiovascular morbidity. The Thoraxcentre Journal
CO-AUTHOR International scientific publications
JH, Sparapani RA, Mahaffey KW, Deckers JW, Newby
LK, Ohman EM, Corbalan R, Chierchia SL, Boland
JB, Simoons ML, Califf RM, Topol EJ, Harrington
RA, for the PURSUIT Steering Committee. Association
Between Minor Elevations of Creatine Kinase-MB
Level and Mortality in Patients With Acute Coronary
Syndromes Without ST-Segment Elevation. JAMA
2000; 283:347-53.
R and the International ABCR Screening Consortium.
Further Evidence for an Association of ABCR
Alleles with Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Am J Hum Genet 2000;67:487-91.
AA, Plomp AS, Schuurman EJ, Terry S, Breuning
M, Dauwerse H, Swart J, Kool M, Soest S van,
Baas F, Brink JB ten, Jong PTVM de. Mutations
in ABCC6 cause pseudoxanthoma elasticum.
Nat Genet 2000;25:228-31
K, Breteler MMB, Helmer C, Inzitari D, Fratiglioni
L, Trenkwalder C, Hofman A, Launer LJ, for the
Neurologic Diseases in the Elderly Research
Group. Prognosis with Parkinson's disease in
Europe: A collaborative study of population-based
cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S24-7.
E, Pieper KS, Steyerberg EW, Wilcox RG, Chang
WC, Lee KL, Akkerhuis KM, Harrington RA, Deckers
JW, Armstrong PW, Lincoff AM, Califf RM, Topol
EJ, Simoons ML; for the PURSUIT Investigators.
Predictors of Outcome in Patients With Acute
Coronary Syndromes Without Persistent ST-Segment
Elevation. Results From an International Trial
of 9461 Patients. Circulation 2000;101:2557-67.
Carlo A, Launer LJ, Breteler MMB, Fratiglioni
L, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage J, Schmidt R, Hofman
A, for the ILSA Working Group and the Neurologic
Diseases in the Elderly Research Group. Frequency
of stroke in Europe: A collaborative study of
population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S28-33.
A, Manubens-Bertran JM, Baldereschi M, Breteler
MMB, Grigoletto F, Lopez-Pousa S, Dartigues
JF, Alpérovitch A, Rocca WA, Tzourio C. Parkinson's
disease, smoking, and family history. EUROPARKINSON
Study Group. J Neurol 2000;247:793-8.
VL, Nikitin Yu, Bots ML, Vinogradova TE, Grobbee
DE. A Population-based study of the associations
of stroke occurrence withweather parameters
in Siberia, Russia (1982-1992). Eur J Neurol
L, Launer LJ, Andersen K, Breteler MMB, Copeland
JRM, Dartigues J-F, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage J,
Soininen H, Hofman A, for the Neurologic Diseases
in the Elderly Research Group. Incidence of
dementia and major subtypes in Europe: A collaborative
study of population-based cohorts. Neurology
L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Banki CM, Breteler
MMB, Castaigne A, Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfeldt
D, Engedal K, Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski
V, Hofman A, James OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, de
Leeuw PW, Leys D, Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson
B, Opolski G, Prince M, Reischies FM. Study
on cognition and prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE):
baseline characteristics. Blood Press 2000;9:146-51.
C, Andersen K, Breteler MMB, Copeland JRM, Helmer
C, Baldereschi M, Fratiglioni L, Lobo A, Soininen
H, Hofman A, Launer LJ, for the Neurologic Diseases
in the Elderly Research Group. Prognosis with
dementia in Europe: A collaborative study of
population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S16-20.
MV, Simonsz HJ, Jong PTVM de. The visual field
in strabismus: a historical review of studies
on amblyopia and suppression. Strabismus 2000;8:135-49.
M, Lutgens E, Daemen MJAP, de Muinck ED, Mooy
CM, Jong PTVM de. The APO*E3-Leiden mouse as
an animal model for basal laminar deposit. Br
J Ophthalmol 2000;84:1415-9.
L, Launer LJ, Andersen K, Dewey ME, Ott A, Copeland
JR, Dartigues JF, Kragh-Sorensen P, Baldereschi
M, Brayne C, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage JM, Stijnen
T, Hofman A, for the EURODEM Incidence Research
Group. Education and the Risk for Alzheimer's
Disease: Sex Makes a Difference. EURODEM Pooled
Analyses. Am J Epidemiol 2000 1;151:1064-71.
A, Launer LJ, Fratiglioni L, Andersen K, Di
Carlo A, Breteler MMB, Copeland JRM, Dartigues
J-F, Jagger C, Martinez-Lage J, Soininen H,
Hofman A, for the Neurologic Disease in the
Elderly Research Group. Prevalence of dementia
and major subtypes in Europe: A collaborative
study of population-based cohorts. Neurology
CB, Dürr A, Bonifati V, Vaughan J, Michele G
de, Gasser T, Harhangi BS, Meco G, Denèfle
P, Wood NW, Agid Y, Brice A, for the European
on Genetic Susceptibility in Parkinson's Disease
and the French Parkinson's Disease Genetics
Study Group. Association between early-onset
Parkinson's disease and mutations in the Parkin
gene. N Engl J Med 2000;342:1560-7.
CJ, Hout BA van, Bonneux L, Witteman JCM. Postmenopausal
hormone therapy: less favorable risk-benefit
ratios in healthy Dutch women. J Intern Med
R, Breteler MMB, Inzitari D, Fratiglioni L,
Hofman A, Launer LJ, for the Neurologic Diseases
in the Elderly Research Group. Prognosis with
stroke in Europe:
collaborative study of population-based cohorts.
Neurology 2000;54:S34-7.
epidemiologic research
1st AUTHOR International scientific
EA, Dermaut B, Cammen TJM van der, Broeckhoven
C van, Duijn CM van. Genetic Testing Should
Not Be Advocated as a Diagnositic Tool in Familial
Forms of Dementia. Am J Hum Genet 2000;67:1033-5.
JM, Witteman JCM, Launer LJ, Lamberts SWJ, Pols
HAP. Tea and Coronary Heart Disease: Protection
Through Estrogenlike Activity? Arch Intern Med
AE, Pols HAP, Hemert AM van, Hofman A, Witteman
JCM. Progression of Aortic Calcification Is
Associated With Metacarpal Bone Loss During
Menopause. A Population-Based Longitudinal Study.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000;20:1926-31.
AE, Pols HAP, Visser TJ, Drexhage HA, Hofman
A, Witteman JCM. Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Is an Independent Risk Factor for Atherosclerosis
and Myocardial Infarction in Elderly Women:
The Rotterdam Study. Ann Intern Med 2000;132:270-8.
S, Janssen JA, Pols HAP, Lamberts SWJ, Breteler
MMB. A Prospective Study on Circulating Insulin-Like
Growth Factor I (IGF-I), IGF-Binding Proteins,
and Cognitive Function in the Elderly. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:4551-5.
S, Mehta KM, Pols HAP, Hofman A, Drexhage HA,
Breteler MMB. Subclinical hyperthyroidism and
the risk of dementia. The Rotterdam Study. Clin
Endocrinol (Oxf) 2000;53:733-7.
MN, Dermaut B, Cruts M, Houwing-Duistermaat
JJ, Roks G, Tol J, Ott A, Hofman A, Munteanu
G, Breteler MMB, Duijn CM van, Broeckhoven C
van. The 2-macroglobulin gene in AD. A population-based
study and meta-analysis. Neurology 2000;55:678-84.
CEHD de , Pols HAP. Fractures in the elderly:
epidemiology and demography. Baillieres Best
Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;14:171-9.
G, Harskamp F van, Koning I de, Cruts
M, Jonghe C de, Kumar-Singh S, Tibben A, Tanghe
H, Niermeijer MF, Hofman A, Swieten
JC van, Broeckhoven C van, Duijn CM van. Presentation
of amyloidosis in carriers of the codon 692
mutation in the amyloid precursor protein gene
(APP692). Brain 2000;123:2130-40.
AG, Burger H, Duijn CM van, Huang Q, Hofman
A, Birkenhäger JC, Leeuwen JPTM van, Pols
HAP. Adjacent genes, for COL2A1 and
the vitamin D receptor, are associated with
separate features
of the radiographic osteoarthritis a the knee.
Arthritis & Rheumatism 2000;43:1456-64.
M, Stepan JJ, Michalska D, Haas T, Pols HAP,
Uitterlinden AG. COLIA1 Polymorphism Contributes
to Bone Mineral Density to Assess Prevalent
Wrist Fractures. Bone 2000;26:287-90.
DPWM, Rikken B, Wit JM, Hofman A, Stricker BHCh.
A Nationwide Cohort Study on Creutzfeldt-Jakob
among Human Growth Hormone Recipients. Neuroepidemiology
scientific publications
PLA van, Pols HAP. Metabole botafwijkingen bij
maag-, darm en leverziekten. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd
scientific publications
G, Duijn CM van. Genetic Epidemiology of Alzheimer's
disease. T Bishop, P Sham (eds.). Genetic Epidemiology
of Complex Disorders. In: T Bishop and P Sham
(eds.). Analysis of Multifactorial Disease.
2000, pages 85-100.
AW van den, Jong FH de, Grobbee DE, Pols HAP,
Lamberts SWJ. Measures of Bioavailable Serum
Testosterone and Estradiol and Their Relationships
with Muscle Strength, Bone Density, and Body
Composition in Elderly Men. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 2000;85:3276-82.
GC van den, Dilworth FJ, Makin HL, Prahl JM,
Deluca HF, Jones G, Pols HAP, Leeuwen JPTM van.
Contribution of Several Metabolites of the Vitamin
D Analog 20-epi-22-oxa-24a,26a,27a-tri-homo-1,25-(OH)2
vitamin D3 (KH 1060) to the Overall
Biological Activity of KH1060 by a Shared Mechanism
of Action. Biochem Pharmacol 2000;59:621-7.
GJ van den, Pols HAP, Leeuwen JPTM van. Anti-tumor
effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and vitamin
D analogs. Curr Pharm Des 2000;6:717-32.
EM, Weel AE, Uitterlinden AG, Buurman CJ, Birkenhager
JC, Pols HAP, Leeuwen JPTM van. Consequences
of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms
growth inhibition of cultured human peripheral
blood mononuclear cells by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
D3. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2000;52:211-6.
N, Lunt M, Holt G, Kroger H, Burger H, Grazio
S, Khaw KT, Lorenc RS, Nijs J, Stepan J, Falch
JA, Miazgowski T, Raptou P, Pols HAP, Dequeker
J, Havelka S, Hoszowski K, Jajic I, Czekalski
S, Lyritis G, Silman AJ, Reeve J. Hip Geometry,
Bone Mineral Distribution, and Bone Strength
in European Men and Women: the EPOS Study. Bone
S van, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Adolfsson
R, Duijn CM van, Broeckhoven C van.
Power of Selective Genotyping in Genetic Association
Analysis of Quantitative Traits. Behavior Genet
JW, McMullen WA, Romas SN, Mayeux R, Slooter
AJC, Ruitenberg A, Duijn CM van, Breteler MMB,
Liu HC. The effect of apoE on dementia is not
through atherosclerosis: The Rotterdam Study.
Neurology 2000; 54: 2356-8.
J, Del-Favero J, Dermaut B, Duijn CM van, Backhovens
H, Broeck M van der, Serneels S, Corsmit E,
Broeckhoven C van, Cruts M. Genetic variability
in the regulatory region of presenilin 1 associated
with risk for Alzheimer's disease and variable
expression. Hum Mol Genet 2000;9:325-31.
I, Brandel J-P, Masullo C, Wientjens DPWM, Silva
R de, Zeidler M, Granieri E, Sanpaolo S, Duijn
CM van, Delasnerie-Laupretre N, Will R, Poser
S. European surveillance on Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease: a case-control study for medical risk
factors. J Clin Epidemiol 2000;53:747-54.
1st AUTHOR International scientific
LR, Hoes AW, Lubsen J, Grobbee DE, Stijnen Th.
Baseline risk as predictor of treatment benefit:
three clinical meta-re-analyses. Stat Med 2000;19:3497-518.
JL, Haaring C, Meyerovitz MF, Cullen KE, Hunink
MGM. Cost-Effectiveness of Percutaneous Treatment
of Iliac Artery Occlusive Disease in the United
States. AJR 2000; 175:517-21.
JL, Hunink MGM. Comparison of the Health Utilities
Index Mark 3 (HUI3) and the EuroQol EQ-5D in
patients treated for intermittent claudication.
Qual Life Res 2000;9:591-601.
JL, Klijn AJ, Schröder FH, Hop WCJ. The Artificial
Urinary Sphincter in 86 Patients with Intrinsic
Sphincter Deficiency: Satisfactory Actuarial
Adequate Function Rates. Eur Urol 2000; 38:
JWW. Challenges and pitfalls of mass-screening
in the European Union. Eur J Cancer 2000;36:1469-72.
IA, Huerta Alvarez C, Stricker BHCh, García
Rodríguez LA. The risk of acute pancreatitis
associated with acid-suppressing drugs. Br
Clin Pharmacol 2000;49:473-8.
IA, Rasch MC, Sturkenboom MCJM, Bekkering FC,
Brouwer JT, Delwaide J, Belaiche J, Houbiers
G, Stricker BHCh. Acute Pancreatitis Attributed
to the Use of Interferon Alfa-2b. Gastroenterology
IA, Sturkenboom MCJM, Wilson JHP, Stricker BHCh.
Incidence and Mortality of Acute Pancreatitis
between 1985 and 1995. Scand J Gastroenterol
J, Vermeer RJI, Stricker BHCh. Mesenteric Venous
Thrombosis Attributed to Docetaxel. Am J Clin
Oncol 2000;4:353-4.
JJ, Houwelingen HC van, Winter JP de. Estimation
of Individual Genetic Effects from Binary Observations
on Relatives Applied to a Family History of
Respiratory Illnesses and Chronic Lung Disease
of Newborns. Biometrics 2000;56:808-14.
J, Hoes AW, Grobbee DE. Implications of trial
results: the potentially misleading notions
of number needed to treat and average duration
of life gained. Lancet 2000;356: 1757-9.
PN, Hendrikx AJ, Hansen BE, Heijden LH van der,
Coebergh JWW. Long-term Survival of Prostate
Cancer in Southeastern Netherlands. Acta Oncol
T. Tutorial in biostatistics. Meta-analysis:
formulating, evaluating, combining and reporting.
By Normand SL, Statistics in Medicine, 18, 321-359
(1999). Stat Med 2000; 19:753-61.
K, Hunink MGM. Peripheral Arterial Disease:
Gadolinium-enhanced MR Angiography versus Color-guided
Duplex US - A Meta-analysis. Radiology 2000;216:67-77.
AC, Coebergh JWW, Repelaer van Driel OJ, Roumen
RMH, Beek MWPM van, Vreugdenhil G, Crommelin
MA. The risk of nodal metastases in breast cancer
patients with clinically negative lymph nodes:
a population-based analysis. Breast Cancer Research
Treatment 2000;62:63-9.
E de, Bruin-Versteeg S de, Comans-Bitter WM,
Groot R de, Hop WCJ, Boerma GJ, Lotgering FK,
Dongen JJ van. Longitudinal Survey of Lymphocyte
Subpopulations in the First Year of Life. Pediatr
Res 2000;47:528-37.
E de, Bruin-Versteeg S de, Comans-Bitter WM,
Groot R de, Hop WCJ, Boerma GJ, Lotgering FK,
Sauer PJ, Dongen JJ van. Neonatal Blood Lymphocyte
Subpopulations: A Different Perspective When
Using Absolute Counts. Biol Neonate 2000;77:230-5.
N, Patandin S, Berbers GA, Sas TC, Mulder PG,
Sauer PJ, Hooijkaas H. Immunologic effects of
background exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls
and dioxins in Dutch preschool children. Environ
Health Perspect 2000;108(12):1203-7.
AE van, Pols HA, Hokken-Koelega AC, de Muinck
Keizer-Schrama SM. Bone density and body composition
in chronic renal failure: effects of growth
hormone treatment. Pediatr Nephrol 2000;15:221-8.
A, Visser RL, Waard Van der Spek FB de, Mulder
PG, Oranje AP. Efficacy and safety of wet-wrap
dressings in children with severe atopic dermatitis:
influence of corticosteroid dilution. Br J Dermatol
scientific publications
JWW. Epidemiologie van kanker in Nederland.
In: Bijblijven. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum,
JWW. Het screenen op borstkanker door middel
van bevolkingsonderzoek.
leeftijdsgrenzen, voor- en nadelen. In: Het
Medisch Jaar 2000. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu
Van Loghum., 2000, pages 33-9.
JWW, Janssen-Heijnen MLG, Visser O, van Dijck
JAAM (eds). Childhood Cancer in the Netherlands,
1989-1997. Utrecht: Vereniging Integrale Kankercentra,
2000 (ISBN 90-72175-30-1).
O, Coebergh JWW, Schouten LJ, van Dijck JAAM.
Incidence of Cancer in the Netherlands, 1996.
Utrecht: Netherlands Cancer Registry, 2000 (ISBN-90-72175-25-5).
HJ, Dagnelie PC, Gaast A van der, Stijnen T,
Wilson JH. Randomized Clinical Trial of Adenosine
5'-Triphosphate in Patients With Advanced Non-Small-Cell
Lung Cancer. J Nat Cancer Inst 2000 Feb 16;92(4):321-8.
JC, Rochat J, Krijtenburg PJ, Hop WCJ, Kranse
R, Rosenberg C, Tanke HJ, Schröder FH, Dekken
H van. Identification of Genetic Markers
Prostatic Cancer Progression. Lab Invest 2000;
Mungan N, Aben KKH, Schoenberg MP, Visser O,
Coebergh JWW, Witjes JA, Kiemeney LALM. Gender
differences in stage-adjusted bladder cancer
survival. Urology 2000;55:876-80.
R van den, Boor PP, Lochem EG van, Hop WCJ,
Langerak AW, Wolvers Tettero IL, Hooijkaas H,
Dongen JJ van. Flow Cytometric Analysis of the
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JE, Carnielli VP, Darcos Wattimena JL, Hop WCJ,
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WP, Mathot RA, Mulder PG, Lamers CB. Pharmacodynamics
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L, Hop WCJ, Slob AK. Current sexual functioning
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HM, Heijnen EM, Jong VM de, Hop WC, Holland
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KF, Kleijn ED de, Westerterp M, Hoog M de, Eijck
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JM, Waarsenburg N, Hayes DP, Hop WCJ, Dekken
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JA, Ridder MA de, Wladimiroff JW. Human
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RW, Hop WCJ, Tol MP van den, Lange DC de, Braaksma
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CK, Derkx FH, Ridder MA de, Man in 't Veld
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JA van, Munck DR de, Bantje TA, Hop WCJ, Akveld
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M, Breedveld FC, Kroon HM, Hansen B, Pope TL,
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IC van, Mulder PG, Fijter JW de, Bruijn JA,
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RR van, Lequin MH, Leeuwen WJ van, Hop WCJ,
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RR van, Sluis IM van der, Lequin MH, Robben
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SG, Lequin MH, Diepstraten AF, Hop WCJ, Meradji
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JI, Mulder PG, Zietse R, Rischen-Vos J, Riemsdijk
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JI, Zietse R, Mulder PG, Rischen-Vos J, Gelder
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AM van, Niesters HG, Geelen SP, Scherpbier
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RL van, Bosch WA van den, Mulder PG, Eijkenboom
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T, Mulder P, Hokken-Koelega A. Body Composition,
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TC, Gerver WJ, Bruin R de, Mulder PG, Cole TJ,
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FH, Kranse R, Barbet N, Hop WCJ, Kandra A,
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PD, Hop WCJ, Blankenstein M van, Dees J. A new
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IM van der , Boot AM, Nauta J, Hop WC, Jong
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SM de. Bone density and body composition in
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LP, Bosman FT, Siersema PD, Hop WCJ, Blomjous
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KJ, Boes J, Kersten GF, Spiekstra A, Mulder
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scientific publications
scientific publications
GS, Stricker BHCh. Bestaat er een kruisallergie
tussen budesonide en prednison? Is er een alternatief?
Internisten Vademecum 2000;22:1-3.
MFMT, Hartman A, Weisglas-Kuperus N, Stijnen
Th. Een vergelijkende studie van de BOS 2-30
en de AIMS: twee motorische ontwikkelingstests
die worden gebruikt bij prematuur geborenen.
Ned T Fysiother 2000;110(6):132-6.
OH, Stricker BHCh, Breteler MMB, Seidell JC,
Boer A de. Onderbehandeling van hypertensie
en het risico op beroerte bij de oudste ouderen.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr 2000;31:119-22.
PN, Kil P, Coebergh JWW. Trends in de incidentie
en overleving voor prostaatkanker in Zuidoost-Nederland,
1971-1995. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000;144:1954-9.
Smitt JH, Spuls PhI, Leent EJM van, Vries HJC
de, Mulder PGH, Glazenburg EJ, Bos JD. Moet
men kinderen met constitutioneel eczeem continu
of in pulse lokaal behandelen met corticosteroïden?
Een prospectieve gerandomiseerde dubbelblinde
studie met clobetason butyraat. Ned Tijdschr
Dermatol & Venereol;10:204-5
EM van der, Chin-A-Lien RA, Ridder MA de, Willems
PW, Verkooyen RP, Meijden WI van der. Prevalentie
van seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (SOA)
en HIV-infectie bij bezoekers van de SOA-polikliniek
van het Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam-Dijkzigt;
een vergelijking van de jaren 1993 en 1998.
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000;144:1351-5.
HE, Dons IPM, Vingerhoets AJJM, Ververs JMMA,
Crommelin MA, Voogd AC, Coebergh JWW, Vreugdenhil
G, Roumen RMH. De gevolgen van het okselkliertoilet
op de kwaliteit van leven bij (ex)borstkankerpatiënten.
Gedrag en Gezondheid 2000;28:2-8.
BA in `t, Linden PD van der, Feenstra J, Stricker
BHCh. De functie van het meldingssysteem voor
vermoedelijke bijwerkingen als risico-indicator
voor het syndroom van Stevens-Johnson en toxische
epidermale necrolyse. Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000;56:1258-63.
AC, Crommelin MA, Repelaer van Driel OJ, Roumen
RMH, Tutein Nolthenius MCB, Coebergh JWW. Trends
in de incidentie en behandelingsbeleid van ductaal
carcinoma in situ van de mamma in Zuidoost-Nederland.
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000;144:659-63.
AC, Louwman WJ, Coebergh JWW, Vreugdenhil G.
Gevolgen op ziekenhuisniveau van de nieuwe richtlijnen
voor adjuvante systemische behandeling bij mammacarcinoom.
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000;144:1572-4.