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Publications 2001



Epidemiology of diseases

1st author



Basic epidemiologic research

1st author



Clinical epidemiology

1st author




Stephanus L.M. Bakker
Cerebral hemodynamic indices measured by means of transcranial doppler.
(Co)promotor(es): Koudstaal PJ, Hofman A, Breteler MMB. Erasmus University,

Peggy W.C. van den Hoogen
Public health aspects of blood pressure.
(Co)promotor(es): Hofman A, Kromhout D, Witteman JCM. Erasmus University,

Saskia Houterman
Public health aspects of serum cholesterol.
(Co)promotor(es): Kromhout D, Hofman A, Witteman JCM. Erasmus University,

Paul D. van der Linden
Fluoroquinolones and tendon disorders.
(Co)promotor(es): Stricker BHCh, Leufkens HGM, Herings RMC, Sturkenboom
MCJM. Erasmus University, 2001

Cornelis M.A.A. Roks
Alzheimer's disease. A genetic epidemiologic approach.
(Co)promotor(es): Duijn CM van, Oostra, BA. Erasmus University, 2001.

Melanie M. van Riemsdijk
Neuropsychiatric effects of antimalarial drugs.
(Co)promotor(es): Stricker BHCh, Hofman A, Sturkenboom MCJM. Erasmus
University, 2001.

Antonio Iglesias del Sol
Cardiovascular risk assessment using carotid ultrasonography. The Rotterdam
Study.(Co)promotor(es): Grobbee DE, Hofman A, Bots ML, Witteman JCM.
University, 2001.

Norbert Vaessen
Genetic determinants of diabetes ans vascular complications. A population-based
(Co)promotor(es): Duijn van CM, Oostra BA. Erasmus University 2001.

Karen Visser
Evaluation of diagnostic imaging work-up for peripheral arterial disease.
(Co)promotor(es): Hunink MGM, Kuntz KM. Erasmus University, 2001.

Angelique E.A.M. Weel
Skeletal and genetic determinants of osteoporosis.
(Co)promotor(es): Pols HAP, Hofman A, Leeuwen JPTM van. Erasmus University,

Cornelia M. van Duijn
Over determinanten en determinisme. Uitdagingen voor de genetische
epidemiologie, [On determinants and determinism. Challenges for genetic
Erasmus University, 30 november 2001.

Bruno H.Ch. Stricker
Geneesmiddelenbewaking in Nederland. Over Machiavelli, Montesquieu en de
vogelvrije burger, [Pharmaco-vigilance in the Netherlands. On Machiavelli,
Montesquieu and the outlawed citizin].
Erasmus University, 2 november 2001.

Epidemiology of diseases

PUBLICATIONS 1st AUTHOR International scientific publications

Bom van der JC, Bots ML, Haverkate F, Meijer P, Hofman A, Kluft C, Grobbee DE. Activation products of the haemostatic system in coronary, cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial disease.
Thromb Haemost 2001;85:234-9.

Breteler MMB. Early life circumstances and late life Alzheimer's disease (editorial).
Epidemiology 2001;12:378-9.

Geerlings MI, Ruitenberg A, Witteman JCM, Swieten JC van , Hofman A, Duijn CM van, Breteler MMB, Launer LJ. Reproductive Period and Risk of Dementia in Postmenopausal Women.
JAMA 2001;285:1475-81.

Groot JC de, Leeuw F-E de, Oudkerk M, Hofman A, Jolles J, Breteler MMB.
Cerebral white matter lesions and subjective cognitive dysfunction. The Rotterdam Scan Study.
Neurology 2001;56:1539-45.

Heijer T den, Launer LJ, Groot JC de, Leeuw FE de, Oudkerk M, Gijn J van, Hofman
A, Breteler MMB. Serum Carotenoids and Cerebral White Matter Lesions: The Rotterdam Scan Study.
JAGS 2001;49:642-6.

Hulsman CA, Westendorp IC, Ramrattan RS, Wolfs RC, Witteman JCM, Vingerling JR, Hofman A, Jong PTVM de.
Is open-angle glaucoma associated with early menopause? The Rotterdam Study.
Am J Epidemiol 2001;154:138-44.

Humphries KH, Westendorp ICD, Bots ML, Spinelli JJ, Carere RG, Hofman A, Witteman JCM.
Parity and carotid artery atherosclerosis in elderly women. The Rotterdam Study.
Stroke 2001;32:2259-64.

Iglesias de Sol A, Moons KGM, Hollander M, Hofman A, Koudstaal PJ, Grobbee DE, Breteler MMB, Witteman JCM, Bots ML.
Is carotid intima-media thickness useful in cardiovascular disease risk assessment? The Rotterdam Study.
Stroke 2001;32:1532-8.

Jong PTVM de, Bergen AAB, Klaver CCW, Duijn CM van, Assink JJM.
Age-related maculopathy; its genetic basis.
Eye 2001;15:396-400.

Klaver CCW, Assink JJM, Leeuwen R van, Wolfs RCW, Vingerling JR, Stijnen Th, Hofman A, Jong PTVM de.
Incidence and Progression rates of Age-related Maculopathy. The Rotterdam Study.
Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2001;42:2237-41.

Klipstein-Grobusch K, Breeijen JH den, Goldbohm RA, Hofman A, Jong PTVM de,
Pols HAP, Grobbee DE, Witteman JCM.
Dietary antioxidants and peripheral arterial disease: The Rotterdam Study.
Am J Epidemiol 2001;154:145-9.

Leeuw FE de, Groot JC de, Achten E, Oudkerk M, Ramos LMP, Heijboer R, Hofman A, Jolles J, Gijn J van, Breteler MMB.
Prevalence of cerebral white matter lesions in elderly people: a population based magnetic resonance imaging study. The Roterdam Scan Study.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;70:9-14.

Leeuwen R van, Vingerling JR, Jong PTVM de. Re: Risk of macular degeneration with statin use should be interpreted with caution.
BMJ 2001;323:1308.

Mosterd A, Cost B, Hoes AW, de Bruijne MC, Deckers JW, Hofman A, Grobbee DE.
The prognosis of heart failure in the general population. The Rotterdam Study.
Eur Heart J 2001;22:1318-27.

Popele NM van, Grobbee DE, Bots ML, Asmar R, Topouchian J, Reneman RS, Hoeks APG, Kuip DAM van der, Hofman A, Witteman JCM.
Association between arterial stiffness and atherosclerosis. The Rotterdam Study.
Stroke 2001;32:454-60.

Ramrattan RS, Wolfs RCW, Panda-Jonas S, Jonas JB, Bakker D, Pols HAP, Hofman A, Jong PTVM de. Visual field loss in the elderly: Prevalence, cause and associations with impairment in daily functioning. The Rotterdam Study.
Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:1788-94.

Rossum van CTM, Shipley MJ, Hemingway H, Grobbee DE, Mackenbach JP, Marmot MG.
Seasonal variation in cause-specific mortality: Are there high-risk groups? 25-year follow-up of civil servants from the first Whitehall study.
Int J Epidemiol 2001;30:1109-16.

Ruitenberg A, Skoog I, Ott A, Aevarsson O, Witteman JCM, Lernfelt B, Harskamp F van, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Blood Pressure and Risk of Dementia: Results from the Rotterdam Study and the Gothenburg H-70 Study.
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2001;12:33-9.

Ruitenberg A, Ott A, Swieten JC van, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
Incidence of dementia: does gender make a difference?
Neurobiol Aging 2001;22:575-80.

Ruitenberg A, Kalmijn S, Ridder MAJ de, Redekop WK, Harskamp F van, Hofman A, Launer LJ, Breteler MMB.
Prognosis of Alzheimer's disease. The Rotterdam Study.
Neuroepidemiology 2001;20:188-95.

Visscher TLS, Seidell JC, Molarius A, van der Kuip D, Hofman A, Witteman JCM.
A comparison of body mass index, waist-hip ratio and waist circumference as predictors of all-cause mortality among the elderly: the Rotterdam Study.
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001;25:1730-5.

Vokó Z, Koudstaal PJ, Bots ML, Hofman A, Breteler MMB. Aspirin Use and Risk of Stroke in the Elderly: The Rotterdam Study.
Neuroepidemiology 2001;20:40-4.

Further scientific publications

Jong PTVM de, Jong BCH de, Stoutenbeek P, Berg TJTP van den, Peterson K. Eyes
on the lab.
Lab Medicine 2001;32:519-31.

Jong PTVM de. Oogheelkunde. In: Codex Medicus 11e editie. Eds Eyskens E,
Feenstra L, Meinders AE, Vandenbroucke JP. Chapt 16, pp 521-572. Elsevier-PBNA, Arnhem, 2001.

PUBLICATIONS CO-AUTHOR International scientific publications

Akkerhuis KM, Deckers JW, Lincoff AM, Tcheng JE, Boersma E, Anderson K, Balog C, Califf RM, Topol EJ, Simoons ML. Risk of stroke associated with
abciximab among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
JAMA 2001;1:78-82.

Batstra MR, Petersen JS, Bruining GJ, Grobbee DE, Man de SA, Molenaar JL, Dyrberg T, Aanstoot HJ. Low prevalence of GAD and IA2 antibodies in
schoolchildren from a village in the southwestern section of the Netherlands.
Hum Immunol 2001;62:1106-10.

Bonifati V, Michele G de, Lucking CB, Durr A, Fabrizio E, Ambrosio G, Vanacore N, Mari M de, Marconi R, Capus L, Breteler MMB, Gasser T, Oostra B, Wood N, Agid Y, Filla A, Meco G, Brice A. The parkin gene and its phenotype. Italian PD
Genetics Study Group, French PD Genetics Study Group and the European
Consortium on Genetic Susceptibility in Parkinson's Disease.
Neurol Sci 2001;22:51-2.

Deckers JW. Smoking and survival in acute coronary syndrome: the fog is clearing.
Eur Heart J 2001;22:724-6.

Euroaspire I and II Group. Clinical reality of coronary prevention guidelines: a comparison of Euroaspire I and II in nine countries.
Lancet 2001;357:995-1001.

Marang-van de Mheen PJ, Shipley MJ, Witteman JCM, Marmot MG, Gunning-Schepers LJ.
Decline of the relative risk of death associated with low employment grade at older age: the impact of age related differences in smoking, blood pressure and plasma cholesterol.
J Epidemiol Comm Health 2001;55:24-8.

McDonnell J, Redekop WK, Roer N van der, Goes E, Ruitenberg A, Busschbach JJV, Breteler MMB. The Cost of Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in The Netherlands. A Regression-Based Simulation Model.
Pharmacoeconomics 2001;19:379-90.

Ossewaarde ME, Bots ML, Bak AA, Schouw YT van der, Witteman JCM, Planellas J, Bennink HJ, Grobbee DE.
Effect of hormone replacement therapy on lipids in perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women.
Maturitas 2001;39:209-16.

Periquet M, Lücking C, Vaughan J, Bonifati V, Dürr A, Michele G de, Horstink M, Farrer M, Illarioshkin SN, Pollak P, Borg M, Brefel-Courbon Ch, Denefle P, Meco G, Gasser Th, Breteler MMB, Wood NW, Agid Y, Brice A; the French Parkinson's disease Genetics Study Group and the European Consortium on Genetic Susceptibility in Parkinson's Disease. Origin of the mutations in the parkin gene in Europe: exon rearrangements are independent recurrent events, whereas point mutations may result from Founder effects.
Am J Hum Genet 2001; 68:617-26.

Plevier CM, Mooy JM, Marang-van der Mheen PJ, Stouthard ME, Visser MC, Grobbee DE, Gunning-Scheper LJ.
Persistent impaired emotional functioning in survivors of a myocardial infarction?
Qual Life Res 2001;10:123-32.

Smith W, Assink JJM, Klein R, Mitchell P, Klaver CCW, Klein BEK, Hofman A, Jensen S, Wang JJ, Jong PTVM de. Risk factors for agerelated macular degeneration: Pooled findings from three continents.
Ophthalmology 2001;108:697-704.

Sijens PE, Heijer T den, Leeuw F-E de, Groot JC de, Achten E, Heijboer RJJ, Hofman A, Breteler MMB, Oudkerk M. Human brain chemical shift imaging at age 60-90: an analysis of the causes of the observed sex differences in brain metabolites.
Invest Radiol 2001;36:597-603.

Sijens PE, Heijer T den, Leeuw FE de, Groot JC de, Achten E, Heijboer RJJ, Hofman A, Breteler MMB, Oudkerk M. MR spectroscopy detection of lactate and lipid signals in the brains of healthy elderly people.
Eur J Radiol 2001;11:1495-1501.

National scientific publications

Leys AM, Jong PTVM de.
Van gen naar ziekte; mutatie in mitochondriaal DNA en
maternaal overervende diabetes mellitus met doofheid (MIDD).
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2001;145:2250-2.

Rijn M van, Harskamp F van, Breteler MMB, Sandt-Koenderman WME van de. Normering Akense Afasie Test.
Logopedie en Foniatrie 2001;1:13-17.

Basic epidemiologic research

PUBLICATIONS 1st AUTHOR International scientific publications

Croes EA, Jansen GH, Lemstra AW, Frijns CJM, Gool WA van, Duijn CM van. The first two patients with dura mater associated Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the Netherlands.
J Neurol 2001;248:877-80.

Duijn CM van, Dekker MCJ, Bonifati V, Galjaard RJ, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Snijders PJLM, Testers L, Breedveld GJ, Horstink M, Sandkuijl LA, Swieten JC van, Oostra BA, Heutink P. PARK7, a novel locus for autosomal recessive early-onset parkinsonism on chromosome 1p36.
Am J Hum Genet 2001;69:629-34.

Hak AE, Pols HA, Stehouwer CD, Meijer J, Kiliaan AJ, Hofman A, Breteler MM, Witteman JC. Markers of inflammation and cellular adhesion molecules in relation to insulin resistance in nondiabetic elderly: the Rotterdam study.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001 Sep;86(9):4398-405.

Hak AE, Bak AAA, Hofman A, Grobbee DE, Witteman JCM. The effect of hormone replacement therapy on serum homocysteine levels in perimenopausal women: a
randomized controlled trial.
Atherosclerosis 2001;158:437-43.

Harhangi BS, Oostra BA, Heutink P, Duijn CM van, Hofman A, Breteler MMB.
CYP2D6 polymorphism in Parkinson's disease: The Rotterdam Study.
Mov Disord 2001;16:290-3.

Njajou OT, Vaessen N, Joosse M, Berghuis B, Dongen JWF van, Breuning MH, Snijders PJLM, Rutten WPF, Sandkuijl LA, Oostra BA, Duijn CM van, Heutink P.
A mutation in SLC11A3 gene is associated with autosomal dominant hemochromatosis.
Nature Genet 2001;28:214-5.

Roks G, Cruts M, Slooter AJC, Dermaut B, Hofman A, Broeckhoven C van, Duijn CM van. The Cystatin C polymorphism is not associated with early-onset Alzheimer's disease.
Neurology 2001;57:366-7.

Slooter AJC, Bots ML, Havekes LM, Iglesias del Sol A, Cruts M, Grobbee DE, Hofman A, Broeckhoven C van, Witteman JCM, Duijn CM van. Apolipoprotein E and Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis. The Rotterdam Study.
Stroke 2001;32:1947-52.

Slooter AJC, M Cruts, A Hofman, Broeckhoven C van, Duijn CM van.
Apoplipoprotein E and longevity: the Rotterdam study.
JAGS 2001;49:1-2.

Uitterlinden AG, Weel AEAM, H Burger, F Yue, Duijn CM van, Hofman A,
Leeuwen PTM van, Pols HAP. Interaction between the vitamin D receptor gene and collagen type Ialpha1 gene in susceptibility for fracture.
J Bone Miner Res 2001;16:379-85.

Vaessen N, Heuting P, Janssen J, Witteman JCM, Testers L, Hofman A, Oostra BA, Lamberts SWJ, Pols HAP, Duijn CM van.
A polymorphism in the gene for IGF-I functional properties and risk for type 2 diabetes and myocardial infarction.
Diabetes 2001;50:637-42.

Vaessen N, Duijn CM van.
Opportunities for Population-Based Studies of Complex Genetic Disorders after the Human Genome Project.
Epidemiology 2001;12:360-4.

The EUROCJD Group. Genetic epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Europe.
Rev Neurologique 2001;157:6-7.

Further scientific publications

Leeuwen JP van, Bemd GJ van den, Driel M van, Buurman CJ, Pols HA. 24,25-
Dihydroxyvitamin D(3) and bone metabolism.
Steroids 2001;66:375-80.


Beck JA, Mead S, Campbell TA, Dickinson A, Wientjens DPWM, Croes EA, Duijn CM van, Collinge J.
Two-octapeptide repeat deletion of the prion protein gene
associated with a rapidly progressive dementia.
Neurology 2001;2:354-6.

Cataldo A, Rebeck GW, Ghetri B, Hulette C, Lippa C, Broeckhoven C van, Duijn CM van, Cras P, Bogdanovic N, Bird T, Peterhoff C, Nixon R. Endocytic disturbances
distinguish among subtypes of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
Ann Neurol 2001;50:661-5.

Cruts M, Dermaut B, Rademakers R, Roks G, Broeck M van den, Munteanu G, Duijn CM van, Broeckhoven C van. Amyloid beta secretase gene (BACE) is neither mutated in nor associated with early-onset Alzheimer's disease.
Neurosci Lett 2001;313:105-7.

Dermaut B, Roks G, Theuns J, R. Rademakers, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Serneels S, Hofman A, Breteler MMB, Cruts M, Broeckhoven C van, Duijn CM van. Variable
expression of presenilin 1 is not a major determinant of risk for late-onset
Alzheimer's Disease.
J Neurol 2001;248:935-9.

Everbroeck B van, Croes EA, Pals P, Dermaut B, Jansen G, Duijn CM van, Cruts M, Broeckhoven C van, Martin JJ, Cras P.
Influence of the prion protein and the apolipoprotein E genotype on the Cretuzfeldt-Jakob disease phenotype.
Neurosci Lett 2001;313:69-72.

Ismail AA, Cockerill W, Cooper C, Finn JD, Abendroth K, Parisi G, Banzer D, Benevolenskaya LI, Bhalla AK, Armas JB, Cannata JB, Delmas PD, Dequeker J, Dilsen G, Eastell R, Ershova O, Falch JA, Felsch B, Havelka S, Hoszowski K, Jajic I, Kragl U, Johnell O, Lopez Vaz A, Lorenc R, Yriti GL, Marchand F, Masary P, Matthis C, Miazgowski T, Pols HA, Poor G, Rapado A, Raspe HH, Reid DM, Reisinger W, Janott J, Scheidt-Nave C, Stepan J, Todd C, Weber K, Woolf AD,Ambrecht G, Gowin W, Felsenberg D, Lunt M, Kanis JA, Reeve J, Silman AJ, O'Neill TW.
Prevalent vertebral deformity predicts incident hip though not distal forearm fracture: results from the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study.
Osteoporos Int 2001;12:85-90.

Kramers C, Danilov SM, Deinum J, Balvasnikova IV, Scharenborg N, Looman M, Boomsma F, de Keijzer MB, Duijn CM van, Martin S, Soubrier F, Adema GJ.
Point mutation in the stalk of angiotensin-converting enzyme causes a dramatic increase in serum angiotensin-converting enzyme but no cardiovascular disease.
Circulation 2001;104:1236-40.

Leeuwen JP van, Driel M van, Bemd GJ van den, Pols HA. Vitamin D control of osteoblast function and bone extracellular matrix mineralization.
Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr 2001;11:199-226.

Osborne RH, Houben MPWA, Tijssen CC, Coebergh JWW, Duijn CM van.
The genetic epidemiology of glioma.
Neurology 2001;57:1751.

Schmidt H, Fazekas F, Kostner GM, Duijn CM van, Gradert A, Schmidt R.
Angiotensinogen Gene Promoter Haplotype and Microangiopathy-Related Cerebral Damage: Results of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study.
Stroke 2001;32:405-12.

Theuns J, Feuk L, Dermaut B, Del-Favero J, Roks G, Bossche D van den, Corsmit E, Broeck M van den, Duijn CM van, Cruts M, Brookes A,Van Broeckhoven C.The
TNFRSF6 gene is not implicated in familial early-onset Alzheimer's disease.
Hum Genet 2001;108:552-3.

Clinical epidemiology

PUBLICATIONS 1st AUTHOR International scientific publications

Bekkering FC, Brouwer JT, Hansen BE, Schalm SW. Hepatitis C viral kinetics in difficult to treat patients receiving high dose interferon and ribavirin.
J Hepatol 2001;34:435-40.

Bleumink GS, Borg EJ ter, Ramselaar CG, Stricker BHCh. Etanercept-induced subacute cuntaneous lupus erythematosus.
Rheumatol 2001;40:1317-9.

Bleumink GS, Veld BA in 't, Stricker BHCh.
European pharmacovigilance legislation: has it led to implementation of pharmacovigilance inspections?
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Safety 2001;10:339-40.

Bosch JL, Lester JS, McMahon PM, Beinfeld MT, Halpern EF, Kaufman JA,
Brewster DC, Gazelle GS.
Hospital costs for elective endovascular and surgical repairs of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms.
Radiology 2001;220:492-7.

Bosch JL, Beinfeld MT, Halpern EF, Lester JS, Gazelle GS.
Endovascular versus open surgical elective repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm: predictors of patient discharge destination.
Radiology 2001;220:576-80.

Dieleman JP, Feltz M van der, Bangma CH, Stricker BHCh, Ende ME van der.
Papillary necrosis associated with the HIV protease inhibitor indinavir.
Infection 2001;29:232-3.

Dieleman JP, Salahuddin S, Hsu YS et al.
Indinavir Crystallization Around the Loop of Henle: Experimental Evidence.
JAIDS 2001;28:9-13.

Eland IA, Lei J van der, Stricker BHCh, Sturkenboom MCJM.
Incidence of priapism in the general population.
Urology 2001;57:970-2.

Feenstra J, Grobbee DE, Veld BA in 't, Stricker BHCh.
Confounding by contraindication in a nationwide cohort study of risk for death in patients taking ibopamine.
Ann Intern Med 2001;134:569-72.

Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Elston RC.
Linkage disequilibrium mapping of complex genetic diseases using multiallelic markers.
Genet Epidem 2001;21:S576-81.

Hunink MGM.
In search of tools to aid logical thinking and communicating about medical decisions.
Med Decis Making 2001; 21: 267-77.

Hunink MGM. Appraising Decision and Cost-effectiveness analyses.
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2001;12:783-7.

Jong GW 't, Vulto AG, Hoog M de, Schimmel KJ, Tibboel D, Anker JN van den.
Survey of the use of off-label and unlicensed drugs in a Dutch children's hospital.
Pediatrics 2001;108:1089-93.

Jong GW 't, Anker JN van den, Choonara I.
FDAMA's written request test: medicines for children.
Lancet 2001;357:398.

Jong GW 't, Eland IA, Stricker BHCh, Anker JN van der.
Information for paediatric use of medicines in a product information compendium.
Paed Perinat Drug Ther 2001;4:148-51.

Klungel OH, Stricker BHCh, Breteler MMB, Seidell JC, Psaty BM, Boer A de.
Is drug treatment of hypertension in clinical practice as effective as in randomized controlled trials with regard to the reduction of the incidence of stroke?
Epidemiology 2001;11:339-44.

Linden PD van der, Puijenbroek EP van, Feenstra J, Veld BA in 't, Sturkenboom MCJM, Herings RMC, Leufkens HGM, Stricker BHCh.
Tendon disorders attributed to fluoroquinolones: a study of spontaneous reports in the period 1988 to 1998.
Arthritis Rheum 2001;45:235-9.

Linden PD van der, Nab HW, Simonian S, Stricker BHCh, Leufkens HGM, Herings RMC.
Fluoroquinolone use and the change in incidence of tendon ruptures in the
Netherlands Pharm World Sci 2001;23:89-92.

Muradin GS, Bosch JL, Stijnen T, Hunink MGM. Balloon dilation and stent
implantation for treatment of femoropopliteal arterial disease: meta-analysis.
Radiology 2001;221:137-45.

Muradin GSR, Hunink MGM. Cost and Patency Rate Targets for the Development of Endovascular Devices to Treat Femoropopliteal Arterial Disease.
Radiology 2001; 218:464-9.

Penning-Van Beest FJ, Meegen E van, Rosendaal FR, Stricker BHCh.
Drug interactions as a cause of overanticoagulation on phenprocoumon or acenocoumarol predominantly concern antibacterial drugs.
Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001;69:451-7.

Penning-van Beest FJ, Meegen E van, Rosendaal FR, Stricker BHCh. Characteristics of anticoagulant therapy and comorbidity related to overanticoagulation.
Thromb Haemost 2001;86:569-74.

Salas M, Veld BA in 't, Linden PD van der, Hofman A, Breteler MMB, Stricker BHCh.
Impaired cognitive function has a negative effect on compliance with
antihypertensive treatment in single-living elderly patients.
Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001;70:561-6.

Sturkenboom MC, Fourrier A. Re: Vaccinations and multiple sclerosis (letter).
N Engl J Med 2001;344:1794.

Veld BA in 't, Ruitenberg A, Hofman A, Launer LJ, Duijn CM van, Stijnen Th, Breteler MMB, Stricker BHCh.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
N Eng J Med 2001;345:1515-21.

Veld BA in 't, Ruitenberg A, Hofman A, Stricker BHCh, Breteler MMB.
Antihypertensive drugs and incidence of dementia: the Rotterdam Study.
Neurobiol Aging 2001;22:407-12.

Vijver DAMC van de, Stricker BHCh, Breteler MMB, Roos RAC, Porsius AJ, Boer
A de Evaluation of antiparkinsonian drugs in pharmacy records as a marker for Parkinson's disease.
Pharm World Sci 2001;23:148-52.

Visser K, Idu MM, Buth J, Engel GL, Hunink MGM.
Duplex surveillance during the first year after infrainguinal autologous vein bypass grafting surgery: Costs and clinical outcomes compared with other surveillance programs.
J Vasc Surg 2001; 33; 123-30.

National scientific publications

Bleumink GS, Feenstra J, Stricker BHCh.
Hartfalen door geneesmiddelen.
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2001;145:1200-3.

Bleumink GS, Stricker BHCh.
Bestaat er een kruisallergie tussen budesonide en prednison? Is er een alternatief?
Apothekers Vademecum 2001;4:2-3.

Bleumink GS, Stricker BHCh.
Bestaat er een kruisallergie tussen budesonide en prednison? Is er een alternatief?
Longartsen Vademecum 2001;5:3-4.

Bleumink GS, Stricker BHCh.
Is er bij de behandeling met foliumzuur en vitamine B6 bij homocysteïnemie een interactie met andere medicatie ?
Neurologen Vademecum 2001;2:1-3.

Bleumink GS, Stricker BHCh.
Mannitolintoxicatie bij de behandeling van Sudeck-dystrofie.
Geneesmiddelenbulletin 2001;35:104-5.

Leeuwen JF van, Bleumink GS, Hansen JMM, Blom AThG, Stricker BHCh. Fouten in de openbare apotheek.
Pharm Weekbl 2001;136:1911-14.

Stricker BHCh.
Peesrupturen door het gebruik van fluorchinolonen.
Geneesmiddelenbulletin 2001;35:82.

Stricker BHCh.
Behandeling hypertensie verlaagt kans dementie.
Geneesmiddelenbulletin 2001;35:23-4.


Further scientific publications
Hunink MGM, Glasziou PP, Siegel JE, Weeks JC, Pliskin JS, Elstein AS, Weinstein
MC. Decision Making in Health and Medicine: Integrating Evidence and Values.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2001.


Alers JC, Krijtenburg PJ, Vis AN, Hoedemaeker RF, Wildhagen MF, Hop WCJ, Kwast TH van der, Schroder FH, Tanke HJ, Dekken H van.
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of prostatic adenocarcinomas from screening studies: Early cancers may contain aggressive genetic features.
Am J Pathol 2001; 158: 399-406.

Beerendonk CC, Braat DD, Hop WCJ, Merkus JM, Dop PA van.
Dynamics of immunoreactive endothelin plasma levels during ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization with and without dietary sodium restriction.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2001; 94:103-8.

Bijl M, Dieleman JP, Simoons M, Ende ME van der.
Low prevalence of cardiac abnormalities in an HIV-seropositive population on antiretroviral combination therapy.
JAIDS 2001;27:318-20.

Blanker MH, Bosch JL, Groeneveld FP, Bohnen AM, Prins A, Thomas S, Hop WCJ.
Erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction in a community-based sample of men 50 to 78 years old: prevalence, concern, and relation to sexual activity.
Urology 2001;57:763-8.

Boekhout T, Theelen B, Diaz M, Fell JW, Hop WCJ, Abeln EC, Dromer F, Meyer W.
Hybrid genotypes in the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans.
Microbiology 2001;147:891-907.

Bouwmeester NJ, Anand KJ, Dijk M van, Hop WCJ, Boomsma F, Tibboel D.
Hormonal and metabolic stress responses after major surgery in children aged 0-3 years: double-blind, randomized trial comparing the effects of continuous versus intermittent morphine.
Br J Anaesth 2001;87:390-9.

Braat JP, Fokkens WJ, Mulder PG, Kianmaneshrad N, Rijntjes E, Gerth van Wijk R.
Forced expiration through the nose is a stimulus for NANIPER but not for controls.
Rhinology 2000;38:172-6 (Nagekomen 2000).

Bruijn JA, Moleman P, Broek WW van den, Mulder PG.
Trait anxiety and the effect of a single high dose of diazepam in unipolar depression.
J Psychiatr Res 2001;35:331-7.

Bruijn JA, Moleman P, Mulder PG, Broek WW van den.
Treatment of mood-congruent psychotic depression with imipramine.
J Affect Disord 2001;66:165-74.

Burger DM, Hugen PW, Aarnoutse RE, Dieleman JP, Prins JM, Poll T van der, Veen JH ten, Mulder JW, Meenhorst PL, Blok WL, Meer JT van der, Reiss P, Lange JM.
A Retrospective, Cohort-Based Survey of Patients Using Twice-Daily Indinavir + Ritonavir Combinations: Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Efficacy.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2001;26:218-24.

Cuypers PW, Gardien M, Buth J, Charbon J, Peels CH, Hop W, Laheij RJ. Cardiac response and complications during endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: A concurrent comparison with open surgery.
J Vasc Surg 2001;33:353-60.

Cuypers PWM, Gardien M, Buth J, Peels CH, Charbon JA, Hop WCJ. Randomized study comparing cardiac response in endovascular and open abdominal aortic neurysm repair.
Brit J Surg 2001;88:1059-65.

Dekker HM, Jagt EJ van der, Leeuwen JTM van, Werf GT van der, Hunink MGM.
The role of abdominal sonography in excluding an abdominal malignancy in the initial workup of patients with abdominal complaints.
Am J Roentgenol 2001;177:47-51.

Dompeling E, Oudesluys-Murphy AM, Janssens HM, Hop W, Brinkman JG, Sukhai RN, Jongste JC de.
Randomised controlled study of clinical efficacy of spacer therapy in asthma with regard to electrostatic charge.
Arch Dis Child 2001;84:178-82.

Drent M, Jacobs JA, Cobben NA, Costabel U, Wouters EF, Mulder PG. Computer program supporting the diagnostic accuracy of cellular BALF analysis: a new release.
Respir Med 2001;95:781-6.

Faber FW, Kleinrensink GJ, Mulder PG, Verhaar JA. Mobility of the first
tarsometatarsal joint in hallux valgus patients: a radiographic analysis.
Foot Ankle Int 2001;22:965-9.

Faber FW, Zollinger PE, Kleinrensink GJ, Damen L, Mulder PG, Snijders CJ,
Verhaar JA.
Quantification of first tarsometatarsal joint stiffness in hallux valgus patients.
Clin Biomech 2001;16:714-6.

Ferwerda A, Moll HA, Hop WCJ, Kouwenberg JM, Tjon Pian Gi CV, Robben SG, Groot R de.
Efficacy, safety and tolerability of 3 day azithromycin versus 10 day co- amoxiclav in the treatment of children with acute lower respiratory tract infections.
J Antimicrob Chemother 2001;47:441-6.

Giaquinto C, De Romeo A, Giacomet V, Rampon O, Ruga E, Burlina A, De Rossi A, Sturkenboom M, D'Elia R.
Lactic acid levels in children perinatally treated with antiretroviral agents to prevent HIV transmission.
Aids 2001;15:1074-5.

Giessen LJ van der, Liekens D, Rutgers KJ, Hartman A, Mulder PG, Oranje AP.
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J Rheumatol 2001;28:2726-30.

Goldman L, Kathryn P, Coxson P, Goldman PA, Williams L, Hunink MGM, Weinstein MC.
The Effects of Risk Factor Reduction between 1981 and 1990 on Coronary Heart Disease Incidence, Prevalence, Events, Mortality, and Cost.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 38:1012-7.

Gosselink MJ, Hop WCJ, Schouten WR.
Rectal compliance in females with obstructed defecation.
Dis Colon Rectum 2001;44:971-7.

Harst E van der, Herder WW de, Bruining HA, Bonjer HJ, Krijger RR de, Lamberts SW, Meiracker AH van de, Boomsma F, Stijnen T, Krenning EP, Bosman FT, Kwekkeboom DJ.
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Heide R, Middelkamp Hup MA, Mulder PG, Oranje AP. Clinical scoring of
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Acta Derm Venereol 2001;81:273-6.

Heijtink RA, Janssen HL, Hop WCJ, Osterhaus AD, Schalm SW. Interferon-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis B: Early response related to pre-treatment changes in viral replication.
J Med Virol 2001;63:217-9.

Hoedt MT, Urk H van, Hop WCJ, Lugt A van der, Wittens CH.
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Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2001;21:266-70.

Hoekstra R, Broek WW van den, Fekkes D, Bruijn JA, Mulder PG, Pepplinkhuizen L.
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Holm A, Dijkstra M, Kleinjan A, Severijnen LA, Boks S, Mulder P, Fokkens W.
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J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001;107:627-33.

Holweg CT, Baan CC, Niesters HG, Vantrimpont PJ, Mulder PG, Maat AP, Weimar
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J Heart Lung Transplant 2001;20:979-84.

Holweg CT, Baan CC, Balk AH, Niesters HG, Maat AP, Mulder PM, Weimar W. The
transforming growth factor-beta1 codon 10 gene polymorphism and accelerated graft vascular disease after clinical heart transplantation.
Transplantation 2001;71:1463-7.

Incrocci L, Koper PC, Hop WC, Slob AK. Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) and erectile dysfunction following external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a randomized,
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Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;51:1190-5.

Janssen HL, Wijnhoud A, Haagsma EB, Uum SH van, Nieuwkerk CM van, Adang RP, Chamuleau RA, Hattum J van, Vleggaar FP, Hansen BE, Rosendaal FR, Hoek B van. Extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis: aetiology and determinants of survival.
Gut 2001;49:720-4.

Jobsis Q, Raatgeep HC, Hop WCJ, Jongste JC de. Related Controlled low flow off line sampling of exhaled nitric oxide in children.
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Jobsis Q, Schellekens SL, Kroesbergen A, Hop WCJ, Jongste JC de. Off-line sampling of exhaled air for nitric oxide measurement in children: methodological aspects.
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Kandarpa K, Becker GJ, Hunink MGM, McNamara TO, Rundback JH, Trost DW, Sos TA, Poplausky MR, Semba CP, Landow WJ. Transcatheter Interventions for the Treatment of Peripheral Atherosclerotic Lesions - Part 1.
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Koot HM, Waard-van der Spek F de, Peer CD, Mulder PG, Oranje AP. Psychosocial sequelae in 29 children with giant congenital melanocytic naevi.
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Kros J, Greve K de, Tilborg A van, Hop W, Pieterman H, Avezaat C, Lekanne Dit
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J Pathol 2001;194: 367-72.

Leeuw JW de, Vierhout ME, Struijk PC, Hop WC, Wallenburg HC. Anal sphincter damage after vaginal delivery: functional outcome and risk factors for fecal incontinence.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001;80:830-4.

Lequin MH, Hop WCJ, Rijn RR van, Bukkems MC, Verhaak LL, Robben SG, Kuijk C van. Comparison between quantitative calcaneal and tibial ultrasound in a dutch caucasian pediatric and adolescent population.
J Clin Densitom 2001;4:137-46.

Lequin MH, Rijn RR van, Robben SG, Leeuwen WJ, Hop WC, Kuijk C. Quantitative Tibial Ultrasonometry Versus Radiographic Phalangeal Absorptiometry in a Caucasian Pediatric Population.
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Lester JS, Bosch JL, Kaufman JA, Halpern EF, Gazelle GS. Inpatient costs of routine endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
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McMahon PM, Bosch JL, Gleason S, Halpern EF, Lester JS, Gazelle GS. Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening.
Radiology. 2001;219:44-50.

Merkus PJ, Mijnsbergen JY, Hop WCJ, Jongste JC de. Interrupter resistance in preschool children. Measurement characteristics and reference values.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:1350-5.

Os-Bossagh P van, Kosterman LM, Hop WCJ, Westerhof BE, Bakker JV de,
Drogendijk AC, Duyl WA van. Micromotions of bladder wall in chronic pelvic pain (CPP): a pilot study.
Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2001;12:89-96.

Overdam KA van, Bettink-Remeijer MW, Mulder PG, Meurs JC van. Symptoms predictive for the later development of retinal breaks.
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Ponticiello A, Perna F, Sturkenboom MCJM, Marchetiello I, Bocchino M,
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Post PN, Hansen BE, Kil PJ, Janssen-Heijnen ML, Coebergh JW. The independent prognostic value of comorbidity among men aged < 75 years with localized prostate cancer: a population-based study.
BJU Int 2001;87:821-6.

Riegman PH, Vissers KJ, Alers JC, Geelen E, Hop WCJ, Tilanus HW, Dekken H van. Genomic alterations in malignant transformation of Barrett's esophagus.
Cancer Res 2001; 61: 3164-70.

Rijn RR van, Lequin MH, Robben SG, Hop WCJ, Kuijk C van. Is the Greulich and Pyle atlas still valid for Dutch Caucasian children today?
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Roest RW, Meijden WI van der, Dijk G van, Groen J, Mulder PG, Verjans GM, Osterhaus AD. Prevalence and association between herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2-specific antibodies in attendees at a sexually transmitted disease clinic.
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Roodnat JI, Mulder PG, Rischen-Vos J, Riemsdijk IC van, Gelder T van, Zietse R, IJzermans JN, Weimar W. Proteinuria after renal transplantation affects not only graft survival but also patient survival.
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Roodnat JI, Mulder PG, Rischen-Vos J, Riemsdijk IC van, Gelder T van, Zietse R, Ijzermans JN, Weimar W. Proteinuria and death risk in the renal transplant population.
Transplant Proc 2001;33:1170-1.

Rossum TG, Jong FH de, Hop WCJ, Boomsma F, Schalm SW. 'Pseudo-
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J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2001;16:789-95.

Rossum TG van, Vulto AG, Hop WCJ, Schalm SW. Glycyrrhizin-Induced reduction of ALT in european patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:2432-7.

Rossum AM van, Dieleman JP, Fraaij PL et al. Indinavir-associated asymptomatic nephrolithiasis and renal cortex atrophy in two HIV-1 infected children.
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Salahuddin S, Hsu YS, Buchholz NP, Dieleman JP, Gyssens IC, Kok DJ. Is indinavir crystalluria an indicator for indinavir stone formation?
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Sas T, Mulder P, Aanstoot HJ, Houdijk M, Jansen M, Reeser M, Hokken-Koelega A. Carbohydrate metabolism during long-term growth hormone treatment in children
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Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2001;54:243-51.

Sas TC, Muinck Keizer-Schrama SM de, Stijnen T, Teunenbroek A van, Leeuwen WJ van, Asarfi A, Rijn RR van, Drop SL. Bone mineral density assessed by phalangeal radiographic absorptiometry before and during long-term growth hormone treatment in girls with Turner's syndrome participating in a randomized dose-response study.
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Schrier AC, Wetering BJ van de, Mulder PG, Selten JP. Point prevalence of
schizophrenia in immigrant groups in Rotterdam: data from outpatient facilities.
Eur Psychiatry 2001;16:162-6.

Siersema PD, Hop WCJ, Blankenstein M van, Tilburg AJ van, Bac DJ, Homs MY, Kuipers EJ. A comparison of 3 types of covered metal stents for the palliation of patients with dysphagia caused by esophagogastric carcinoma: A prospective, randomized study.
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Souverein PC, Egberts AC, Sturkenboom MC, Meuleman EJ, Leufkens HG, Urquhart J. The Dutch cohort of sildenafil users: baseline characteristics.
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Tang TJ, Batts KP, Groen PC de, Hoek B van, Haagsma EB, Hop WCJ, Janssen HLA. The prognostic value of histology in the assessment of patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome.
J Hepatol 2001;35:338-43.

Thio BJ, Slingerland GL, Nagelkerke AF, Roord JJ, Mulder PG, Dankert-Roelse JE. Effects of single-dose fluticasone on exercise-induced asthma in asthmatic children: a pilot study.
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Tice JA, Ross E, Coxson PG, Rosenberg I, Weinstein MC, Hunink MGM, Goldman PA, Williams L, Goldman L. Cost-effectiveness of Vitamin Therapy to Lower Plasma Homocysteine Levels for the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: Effect of Grain Fortification and Beyond.
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Veckeneer M, Overdam K van, Bouwens D, Feron E, Mertens D, Peperkamp E, Ringens P, Mulder P, Meurs J van. Randomized clinical trial of cryotherapy versus laser photocoagulation for retinopexy in conventional retinal detachment surgery.
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Vinkesteijn AS, Jansen CL, Los FJ, Mulder PG, Wladimiroff JW. Fetal
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Vleggaar FP, Buuren HR van, Berge Henegouwen GP van, Hop WCJ, Erpecum KJ van. No beneficial effects of transdermal nicotine in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis: results of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2001;13:171-5.

Vleggaar FP, Buuren HR van, Zondervan PE, Kate FJ ten, Hop WCJ. Jaundice in non-cirrhotic primary biliary cirrhosis: the premature ductopenic variant.
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Warle MC, Farhan A, Metselaar HJ, Hop WCJ, Plas AJ van der, Kap M, Rave S de,Kwekkeboom J, Zondervan PE, IJzermans JN, Tilanus HW, Pravica V, Hutchinson
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Wildt SN de, Kerkvliet KT, Wezenberg MG, Ottink S, Hop WCJ, Vulto AG, Anker JN van den. Use of saliva in therapeutic drug monitoring of caffeine in preterm infants.
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Wildt SN de, Kearns GL, Hop WCJ, Murry DJ, Abdel-Rahman SM, Anker JN van den. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of intravenous midazolam in preterm infants.
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Wouters RJ, Bosch WA van den, Mulder PG, Lemij HG. Upper eyelid motility in blepharoptosis and in the aging eyelid.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2001;42:620-5.

National scientific publications

Luijendijk RW, Riet M van 't, Hop WCJ, Tol MP van den, Lange DC de, Braaksma
MM, IJzermans JN, Boelhouwer RU, Vries BC de, Salu MK, Wereldsma JC,
Bruijninckx CM, Jeekel J. Littekenbreukcorrectie met een polypropyleenmat:
minder recidieven dan na primaire sluiting; een prospectief, gerandomiseerd
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2001;145:1642-7.

Slob AK, Buitenhuis EF, Gijs L, Hop WCJ. De 'Leidsche impotentiesceeringstest'
(LIST) bij mannen met een erectiestoornis als voorselectie voor psychofysiologisch
diagnostisch onderzoek.
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2001;145:581-6.

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